coolbutuseless / narademos

Various demos using native rasters with the {nara} package
MIT License
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Misc Ideas #1

Open coolbutuseless opened 1 week ago

coolbutuseless commented 1 week ago
coolbutuseless commented 1 week ago

Isometric tiling

This package includes isometric_landscape which is a collection of 36 isometric tiles (as a list of nativeRasters)


# Set up staggered x coordinates for even/odd rows
even <-  0 + (0:5) * 60
odd  <- 31 + (0:5) * 60

# Sample from just the tree/house tiles.
# Weight the 'basic' tile to occur much more often
tile_idxs <- grep("basic|house|tree", names(isometric_landscape))
probs <- rep(1, length(tile_idxs))
probs[1] <- 30

# A blank cvanas
nr <- nr_new(420, 420, 'white')

# generate isometric tiles from the top down
for (y in seq(0, 350, 30)) {

  select <- sample(tile_idxs, length(odd), T, prob = probs)
  for (i in seq_along(odd)) {
    nr_blit(nr,  odd[i], y - 15, isometric_landscape[[select[[i]]]])

  select <- sample(tile_idxs, length(even), T, prob = probs)
  for (i in seq_along(even)) {
    nr_blit(nr, even[i], y, isometric_landscape[[select[i]]])

grid.raster(nr, interpolate = FALSE)