Zend Framework 2 Module
CsnUser is a Module for Authentication based on DoctrineORMModule
CsnUser has been created with educational purposes to demonstrate how Authentication can be done. It is fully functional.
CsnUser module consists of:
In addition, passwords are encrypted using Bcrypt algorithm.
An alternative to ZfcUser with more functionality added.
Installation via composer is supported, simply run: php composer.phar require coolcsn/csn-user:dev-master
. The installed module is located in ./vendor/coolcsn/csn-user.
Create Doctrine Proxy cache directory in APP_ROOT/data/DoctrineORMModule/Proxy. Be shure to grant write permissions.
Add CsnUser
, DoctrineModule
and DoctrineORMModule
in your application configuration at: ./config/application.config.php
. An example configuration may look like the following :
'modules' => array(
CsnUser requires setting up a Connection for Doctrine, a simple Mail configuration and importing a database schema.
Create a new database (or use an existing one, dedicated to your application).
Copy the sample Doctrine configuration from ./vendor/coolcsn/csn-user/config/doctrineorm.local.php.dist
to ./config/autoload
renaming it to doctrineorm.local.php. Edit the file, replacing the values (username, password, etc) with your personal database parameters.
Run ./vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:create
to generate the database schema. Import the sample SQL data (for some default data) located in ./vendor/coolcsn/CsnUser/data/SampleData.sql
. You can easily do that with PhpMyAdmin for instance.
Copy the sample Mail configuration from ./vendor/coolcsn/csn-user/config/mail.config.local.php.dist
to ./config/autoload
renaming it to mail.config.local.php. Edit the file, replacing the values (host, username, etc) with your SMTP server parameters.
Append the contents of ./vendor/coolcsn/CsnUser/data/CsnUser.css
to APP_ROOT/public/css/styles.css or include CsnUser.css
into your app.
The CsnUser module has some options to allow you to quickly customize the basic
functionality. After installing CsnUser, copy
, renaming it to csnuser.global.php and change the values as desired, following the instructions.
The following options are available:
It is ready?
Navigate to [hostname]/user in your browser to view different options for login, registration, forgotten password, etc.
The following routes are available:
This Module depends on the following Modules:
[DoctrineORMModule] (https://github.com/doctrine/DoctrineORMModule) - DoctrineORMModule integrates Doctrine 2 ORM with Zend Framework 2 quickly and easily.
coolcsn/CsnAuthorization - Authorization compatible for this Registration and Logging.
coolcsn/CsnNavigation - Navigation module;
coolcsn/CsnCms - Content management system;