cooljeanius / A_New_Order

add-on campaign for The Battle for Wesnoth featuring the Akladians; originally by szopen
GNU General Public License v2.0
2 stars 0 forks source link
game wesnoth wesnoth-campaign wesnoth-umc

The old kingdom of Wesnoth has fallen before barbarian hordes. The occupying barbarians are on the brink of civil war, the seeds of Wesnothian rebellion are kept alive by old legends, while bandits and Dunefolk mercenaries roam the land. Can Gawen Hagarthen unite these disparate factions against a common foe?

Known problems (note: out of date; see GitHub issue tracker instead):

What this file (readme.txt) contains: the credits and acknowledgments; how you can thank us; the ideas for new campaigns. Probably the only Wesnoth campaign with such a huge readme file :)

Wesnoth demands that all content should be released under GPL license. GPL has specific conditions on "source"; however, it is not clear what is a "source" for an image or a music piece. Therefore, the file LICENSE.important.txt contains important note on copyrights. Read it carefully before distributing the images and music. In short, we allow to distribute the images and music under GPLd provided that GPL does not require us to provide e.g. sketches for images, tracker modules, or source waves for the music. Before screaming we are incompatible with Wesnoth licensing scheme read the LICENSE.important.txt. ONCE AGAIN, DO READ IT BEFORE WRITING US OR COMPLAINING.

The ART_authors.txt lists all the authors of the images and the music I could remember. You can send me more names if you know them.

This campaign contains mature themes. Do not allow your children play it. I have children and they do not play this campaign. Neither should yours. If you are a child under 13, please do not play it.

Do not read the rest if you have not finished the campaign. It contains the spoilers. If you spot a spelling mistake here (or when playing a game), or if you want to correct the English, please report it at the forum, or open a pull request on GitHub. There are several forum threads in use. For reference, the link to the development forum thread is here: ...the link to the feedback forum thread is here: ...the link to the current art workshop forum thread is here: (...and then there are probably a few others that are no longer in use.) As for pull requests on GitHub, the link to Yumi's official GitHub repo for this campaign is here:


If you enjoyed this campaign, say so. I love comments. Sigil probably loves comments. Previous maintainers (Tapik, Typhoon, viorc) also love comments. Register at the forum and say you liked it. Discuss your impressions. This is our reward for our work. Even if you didn't like it, post your opinion too. Remember, I and others actually paid our own money so you could enjoy this campaign for free.

If you want to do something more, you can consider:

Note that none of this is mandatory and you should under no circumstances feel obliged to do any of this. Saying you like it is enough to make us happy :) :) (Ok, I don't know about the others, but I LOVE to read when people write they like my work :D A.D.D).

I (szopen) won't be buying more images for sure; I have commissioned six story images and five portraits. Sigil bought five portraits. One story images and two portraits were commissioned by three other players (tr0ll, wussel, alhaz). More recently, egallager has commissioned 7 portraits that are currently being used (or 8, depending on how you count). I have counted how many images ANO needs to make me feel it is REALLY finished in terms of graphics, and then how much it would cost me, and the decision is: no way (it would take my full two month salaries). Current cost of ANO amounts to just about 350 euros (more or less, since I pay in PLN, and Sigil paid in dollars but he never told me how much he spent, so I assume here that he paid just a little bit more for the portraits than I). Due to shifting art prices and some poor decisions on a few pieces that ended up not being worth using, egallager's ANO expenditures have reached about 483 US dollars (with the possibility that I may have forgotten to count some payments due to lazy accounting).


Once Typhoon wanted to make a sequel for "A New Order". He has never finished this and his sequel is not official.

If you want to use ANO as base for your story, I suggest:


There is Timeline.txt in scenarios directory. Also, Akladians originally had richer back story; however, I lost all my notes on the topic. The initial idea was to introduce barbarians into the civilised Wesnoth world. I mean barbarians like Huns -- wild, cruel, barbarians despising civilised people. In addition, I hated the idea, which was in 2005 a gospel, that Wesnoth has no religion. This was almost mandatory then. I thought it is absurd that there would be no culture with religion in Wesnoth world. I am atheist, mind you (Turin said that exactly because I am atheist I cannot imagine a world without a religion :-) ).

Initially one player said the story is similar to the Dune; I've read the Dune, but if I was influenced, it was subconscious. Later I have introduced three references to Dune within the campaign. You should have no trouble with finding them :) ...but actually only two are left now, once Sigil removed Aragwaithi. The "sietches" (settlements of Aragwaithi) name was taken from Dune.

Anyway, here you have some ideas which never went into the story, and various other remarks. Some of those are results of discussion with Sigil. You may find them useful when creating a sequel or whatever.

Do you know what Lorin's questions to the Oracle were? If so, you know more than me, because I only remember the first and the last question, and I am not sure about the second one. (They can be found in the ANO_art repo)

Do you know who betrayed Freetown's location? If so, you know more than me. I don't know. I never planned to know, in fact. Early on I had a version of storyline in which the player had a chance to discover it, but I decided this version was bad and I abandoned it. If you want to be a maintainer, or if you want to create a sequel, then never, ever give a player chance to discover for sure who did that. You are allowed to give your own ideas, but make it clear this is someone's opinion, or one of many possibilities.

However, to make one thing clear: in scenario 19, when Lorin leaves Gawen, she does not go to the Akladians, or to Freetown. Guess where she went to and what for :). You can sent your guesses to the forum :).


Most of those are from the first version of the campaign. If you think I should credit someone here, post me a message.

New sprites of Akladians were created by SleepWalker. New stats of Akladians were created by AxalaraFlame.

Many of the Akladian faction sprites were corrected by Shadow/Wayfarer. Aragwaiths were units created and maintained by Shadow/Wayfarer, but they have been removed.

Dunefolk were created by Noy:

Many thanks to ott for hinting how to fix campaign to be post-0.9.3 compatible.

Kudos to alxrem, ave, teldar, capitol, tomsik, scott, ott, tet, tapik, derek, malin keshar, oo13, and especially unsung for spelling corrections and bug reporting.

Outlaws were originally a unit pack created and maintained by Shadow and Scott (they are mainline now, though).

Many thanks for torangan for patience in explaining translation issues.

Thanks for all the advice and help received on both the Wesnoth forums and Discord server, both in art (Jetryl and Pickslide, thanks a lot!) and in WML coding (thanks CelticMinstrel and Elvish_Hunter!).

Translations were made by (no national characters in names, sorry): capitol and tephlon (swedish) and Geoffroy Douillie, damien, Guigou Guillaume (french), Jose Gordillo (Catalonian translation), Alexey Remizov aka alxrem, nikita: Russian translation, Joe Hansen (Danish), Simon Sobisch (German), brivido (Italian), Toranks (Spanish), capitol, Stephen Bergstorm aka tephlon (Swedish), Nilgun Belma Buguner (Turkish), kele17 (Hungarian), Oto 'tapik' Buchta, Michal Zejdl aka Celerini, and Petr Slejhar aka Septim: Czech translation. See the entries in about.cfg for correct name spellings and more details.

Music is by Erik Rijshouwer, Christian Hellerberg, Nick Humphrey, Mattias Westlund, Aleksi, Hiro Hito, Tyler Johnson. See ART_authors.txt for the details.

Kudos to testers: Turuk, t3st3r, Marximilian, and others.

Currently, ANO for BfW 1.16 is maintained by Yumi (a.k.a. nemaara). This set of contributions to ANO are maintained by egallager (a.k.a. cooljeanius). Note that some of egallager's edits took place in separate repos: First, his general wesnoth_mods repo, the link for which is here: And next, a separate ANO repo with its own history: Finally, these contributions were copied over to a fork of Yumi/nemaara's ANO repo, and submitted back upstream in the form of a pull request. Before BfW 1.14, mainline ANO was maintained by the original author, that is me: A.D. "szopen" Danilecki. Beginning with Wesnoth 1.9 (ANO v. 1.2.x), ANO was maintained by Spencer Cooley 'TheSigil'. Before, ANO was maintained by Oto 'tapik' Buchta From 1.4 to the ?? (v0.9.9 to current), ANO was maintained by Typhoon Rhishisikk (Micheal P. Kochis). Before that, ANO was maintained for some time by Vincent Croisier (viorc), but I can't remember when and how long. If you are reading this, Vincent, sorry this info somehow went missing from previous releases. No idea how this could happen.

        That's all folks, 
            A.D. "szopen" Danilecki