cooljeanius / Flight_Freedom

A Wesnoth drake campaign, originally by MadMax
GNU General Public License v2.0
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wesnoth wesnoth-campaign wesnoth-umc

This is the story of the great Drake leader Malakar, who saw the near-destruction of his tribe at the hands of a dark wizard, and of how he gathered his shattered people and set out on a dangerous journey across unknown lands in the hopes of bringing them back home.

This was a hard campaign for me (egallager) to complete. Here's a writeup on my per-scenario changes from the last version by MadMax:

01 Survival: I didn't actually edit this one my first time thru, but in retrospect, if I'm going to be making everything easier, I might as well start here. 02a Rebellion: I made it so that the hatchlings get wounded less, to try to make it easier to keep them alive. I also had to fix the cutscene. 03a Manor: un-commented out code that had weakened some of the guardians and instead made it guarded by "ifdef EASY". In later playthroughs, I made recalled units turn loyal (all on EASY, 1 on NORMAL, none on HARD), added more healing, made barrels act like villages, tweaked enemy AI, and had Donoaov drop a potion. 04a Caravan: I didn't actually edit this one my first time thru, but since I'm taking second passes (and beyond) at this I figure I might as well edit this one, too, for completeness. In later playthroughs I modified enemy AI and let Malakar keep his spear if he picked one up previously. 05a Blue River: Restricted clippers that Omandro can recruit to 1 on EASY 06a Southern Shore: See first sentence of note for 04a Caravan above. 07a Open Ocean: Likewise. 08 Landfall: OK this one was a pain. The enemies ganged up on me and just wrecked me on my first try, so I tweaked their AIs to try to make them fight each other more. Also, tweaks to gold, income, and turns. Might need further work. 10 Underground: This one was too chokepoint-y, so I edited the map to make some of the corridors wider, and the terrain more passable for drakes. I also added some more villages. I also added a (vague) warning for units approaching the statue that revives the skeletal dragon so that players will maybe get the idea that they might lose a unit and choose an appropriate one accordingly. I didn't want to make it TOO scary of a warning, though, as the skeletal dragon is definitely worth the sacrifice, and players should still definitely go for it. In a later playthru I also gave Malakar the "Illuminates" ability here on EASY, if he has managed to advance to a point where his sword is fiery. 11 River of Skulls: Somehow the original 100 turn limit wasn't enough for me, so in my rage my first reaction was to set the turns as {TURNS 300 200 100}. This gave me such a huge early finish bonus when I finished with these edits that it made the next few scenarios probably easier than they should have been, so I will have to keep tweaking the turn limit here. I also nerfed all the enemies majorly and made them fight against each other more, but there might have been some bugs with this, as now only the first few golems survive, but none of the farther-in ones do. Also I had some problems with the spider failing to spawn, but then I made the dwarves avoid it and it seems to work again. At least, the spider spawns again, but now it sometimes behaves oddly, like for example by moving into the lava and just hanging out with the nagas. Also, on EASY, I removed the event where the storeroom ceiling caves in on you and kills a unit randomly, because, wtf was that doing in there in the first place? (update: apparently it was to discourage you from stopping to smell the roses, so I edited the message displayed on EASY to that effect.) Finally, because the turn limit is increased, I changed the turns on which Kogw gives you your progress notifications. 12 Rockfall: Made the dwarves fight the lava monsters. Also gave the player more time to escape. 13 Betrayal: See first sentence of note for 04a Caravan above. 14 Hordes of the Foul Undead: Likewise. 15 Gate of Storms: Likewise. 16 Exodus: Minor gold/income/AI tweaks; give enemies 1 Skeleton each so that your allied pirates' comment about having seen a skeleton is accurate, scroll to Unforgiver during opening cutscene so that the player is more likely to notice it, scroll to enemy units for events with dialogue triggered by them being recruited. 17 Blockade: I tried to make the Merfolk and Nagas focus more on each other than the player. Also I noticed that the whole thing where the WML messes with the team colors wasn't exactly working, so I've tried changing that, both here and in other scenarios where it's done similarly. 18 Return to Morogor: I had finally run thru my massive gold reserves left over from River of Skulls by this point (on my first playthru), but since all my spending of it previously had given me a large recall list, I needed to add more gold again to let me actually use it. Also I tweaked the AI to try to make the enemy humans protect their leaders more, so that they'd fight the arriving AI drakes more than you, but that didn't really work. Also I edited the map to add more villages because I needed more places to heal. Later playthrus: adjust AI some more, modify scout-returning cutscene to try to prevent the player from forgetting to move their newly-arrived scout 19 Liberation: I actually debugged my way thru this level originally, instead of editing it first, so these edits were untested on my first playthru, but I have since tested them on a second playthru. Basically, I needed to up the turn limit again, because the original author liked chokepoints too much. I might want to edit the map later to widen some of the corridors... 20 Endgame: Mostly gold tweaks. The changes I made to the "enemy gold" event varied the amounts too much on difficulty in the changes I did my first playthru with, so these newer amounts should now be small enough in terms of their differences. I still might want to reduce them again though. On later playthrus: actually give enemies a bit more income so that the scenario has a greater chance of lasting long enough to see some of the events that happen on later turns (which now vary their turn numbers by difficulty), modify AI, capture villages on start for all sides, improve opening cutscene

Also, this doesn't exactly fit in any particular scenario, but I gave the Drake Guard the Steadfast ability, because otherwise at first glance it looks like a RiPLIB violation.

Note: this add-on was originally part of my generalized mods collection; its history there can be found at: Forum thread here: Secondary forum thread here: Outdated wiki page here:

WARNING for developers: please do NOT run wmllint on this campaign again until updating to a version where the bug with wmllint unnecessarily inserting icons is fixed (at least, not unless you also use wmllint's -d or --dryrun flag)