coolsarne / TicketswapBot

Bot that checks and reserves tickets. Written in python and selenium.
14 stars 13 forks source link

Ticketswap Bot

Bot for that allows users to reserve tickets for festivals,...
Bot automatically checks for tickets
Bot sends notification when ticket is reserved
Bot doesn't auto checkout
Bot doesn't confirm email address for login by itself



  1. Clone the project:

    $ git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    $ cd TicketswapBot
    $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt   
  3. Download ChromeDriver for your version of Google Chrome, extract the executable, and place it in the root directory:

    ├── ...
    ├── chromedriver
  4. Fill in the settings.json:

        "ticket": {
            "magicLink": "",                 -- link to overview page of ticketswap
            "festivalName": "",              -- name of festival
            "otherCategory": "",             -- if ticket is not in default list, but in 'others' or 'overig', fill 
                                                this category in here, if not, leave empty
            "ticketName": ""                 -- full name of ticket as shown in overview page
        "notification": {
            "sid": ""                        -- sid of twilio account
            "token": ""                      -- twilio account token
            "twilioPhone": ""                -- twilio phone number to call from
            "phone": ""                      -- phone number to call when ticket is reserved
  5. Run the bot:

    $ python3
  6. To avoid accidental charges, payment info needs to be filled in manually