coopdigital / coop-frontend

Co-op CSS Foundations and design system mono-repo
MIT License
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Co-op Front-end

A mono-repository containing foundations and component packages needed for designing and building digital services for the Co‑op. All packages can be found in the packages directory.

🚨 This project uses yarn rather than npm as it allows us to manage local workspaces and maintain links to local components. This is a requirement not a preference. If you install dependencies inside components, especially React components, you will run into trouble if you do not use yarn. 🚨





Developing foundation and component packages

This repository uses lerna to automatically manage versioning of all the different packages. These are published as separate packages to Co-op digital's NPM organisation. These packages can be installed by digital teams as required as dependencies of their project.

How add and publish a package

Letting people know about changes

If you publish a new or amended component - create a release for the coop-frontend repo adding release notes to let everyone know what changes you have made and why.

The Slack github integration will let everyone on the #frontend and #designsystem channels know that there has been an update.

Using a package that is deprecated?

We have been changing a lot in our frontend packages in order to simplify how teams use them. This means we have deprecated packages in favour of others or that it was no longer needed.

If you are using a deprecated package please look in our ./docs/migrations directory for a possible migration or contact the Experience Library Slack channel for support #experience-library-support