coot2coot / carrier-pigeon

An inventory management system
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Carrier Pigeon

An Inventory Management System


Once you have cloned the project with git, run:

npm install
npm install gulp -g

and use command:


This compiles the sass and starts the server.

Before you join in developing this project, do make sure you have a credentials.json file. This is an example of what that should look like:

    "secret": "yourJwtSecret",
    "postgres": "dbUrl",
    "testUsername": "testUsername",
    "testAdminUsername":  "testUsername",
    "testPassword": "testPassword",
    "testAdminPassword": "testPassword",
    "mailGunApiKey": "example1234",
    "mailGunDomain": ""

To run all the tests first use command:

gulp test
gulp e2e

To run local e2e tests in one terminal:

gulp selenium-install
gulp selenium-start

In another terminal run:

gulp e2e-local


The app is currently hosted on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Dan can provide credentials to the root Coot Freight AWS account on request.

Make sure you're using AWS in the correct region, or you won't be able to see the app! (Ireland)

The URL for the production app is


To build for production run gulp build


Ask Dan or a developer who has worked on the project before to provide access to the credentials for the production environment.


The production database is hosted on AWS RDS. The credentials can be found via the app's config in Elastic Beanstalk. Using the credentials, you can connect to the postgres instance locally (either by running the app locally or via psql). Additionally, you need to go to the security group settings for the RDS instance and allow postgres connections from your own IP address.

Deploying to Elastic Beanstalk

You need to build before deploying. After building you can either:

  1. Upload a ZIP in the Elastic Beanstalk console

  2. Use the Elastic Beanstalk CLI tool (I recommend this option)

Setting up the EB CLI (for the uninitiated)
  1. Create a new user in AWS IAM, add the user to the Carrier Pigeon group - this gives them admin permissions. Download the user's credentials as a CSV. Use this account for logging in from now on.

  2. Install the EBS CLI globally, if you don't have it already (with Homebrew you can run brew install awsebcli)

  3. If you're already using AWS / EB CLI tools, add the new user to your root AWS config / credential files (See this stackoverflow question for help).

  4. From within the root directory of your project, run eb init --profile [NAME_OF_PROFILE_IN_YOUR_AWS_CONFIG], follow the steps in your terminal (hint: region = 4; application = carrier-pigeon-fac; default environment = carrierPigeonFac-Se-env; and you probably don't want to use AWS code commit!)

  5. Set the production instance as your default Elastic Beanstalk environment - eb use carrierPigeonFac-Se-env

  6. Now you can deploy via git by running eb deploy (making sure you've added all your build files)

Deployment script

You can run npm run deploy to build, add files, commit and deploy in one go!