copilot-emacs / copilot.el

An unofficial Copilot plugin for Emacs.
MIT License
1.71k stars 122 forks source link


Copilot.el is an Emacs plugin for GitHub Copilot.

Warning: This plugin is unofficial and based on binaries provided by copilot.vim.

Note: You need access to GitHub Copilot to use this plugin.

Current maintainer: @emil-vdw, @jcs090218, @rakotomandimby.

Retired maintainer: @zerolfx.


  1. Ensure your Emacs version is at least 27, the dependency package editorconfig (melpa) and jsonrpc (elpa, >= 1.0.14) are both installed.

  2. Install Node.js v18+. (You can specify the path to node executable by setting copilot-node-executable.)

  3. Setup copilot.el as described in the next section.

  4. Install the copilot server by M-x copilot-install-server.

  5. Login to Copilot by M-x copilot-login. You can also check the status by M-x copilot-diagnose (NotAuthorized means you don't have a valid subscription).

  6. Enjoy!


Example for Doom Emacs

Add package definition to `~/.doom.d/packages.el`: ```elisp (package! copilot :recipe (:host github :repo "copilot-emacs/copilot.el" :files ("*.el"))) ``` Configure copilot in `~/.doom.d/config.el`: ```elisp ;; accept completion from copilot and fallback to company (use-package! copilot :hook (prog-mode . copilot-mode) :bind (:map copilot-completion-map ("" . 'copilot-accept-completion) ("TAB" . 'copilot-accept-completion) ("C-TAB" . 'copilot-accept-completion-by-word) ("C-" . 'copilot-accept-completion-by-word))) ``` Strongly recommend to enable `childframe` option in `company` module (`(company +childframe)`) to prevent overlay conflict. If pressing tab to complete sometimes doesn't work you might want to bind completion to another key or try: ```elisp (after! (evil copilot) ;; Define the custom function that either accepts the completion or does the default behavior (defun my/copilot-tab-or-default () (interactive) (if (and (bound-and-true-p copilot-mode) ;; Add any other conditions to check for active copilot suggestions if necessary ) (copilot-accept-completion) (evil-insert 1))) ; Default action to insert a tab. Adjust as needed. ;; Bind the custom function to in Evil's insert state (evil-define-key 'insert 'global (kbd "") 'my/copilot-tab-or-default)) ```

Example for Spacemacs

Edit your `~/.spacemacs`: ```elisp ;; =================== ;; dotspacemacs/layers ;; =================== ;; add or uncomment the auto-completion layer dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( ... auto-completion ... ) ;; add copilot.el to additional packages dotspacemacs-additional-packages '((copilot :location (recipe :fetcher github :repo "copilot-emacs/copilot.el" :files ("*.el")))) ;; ======================== ;; dotspacemacs/user-config ;; ======================== ;; accept completion from copilot and fallback to company (with-eval-after-load 'company ;; disable inline previews (delq 'company-preview-if-just-one-frontend company-frontends)) (with-eval-after-load 'copilot (define-key copilot-completion-map (kbd "") 'copilot-accept-completion) (define-key copilot-completion-map (kbd "TAB") 'copilot-accept-completion) (define-key copilot-completion-map (kbd "C-TAB") 'copilot-accept-completion-by-word) (define-key copilot-completion-map (kbd "C-") 'copilot-accept-completion-by-word)) (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'copilot-mode) ```

General Configurations

#### 1. Load `copilot.el` ##### Option 1: Load via `straight.el` or `quelpa` (recommended) ###### `straight.el`: ```elisp (use-package copilot :straight (:host github :repo "copilot-emacs/copilot.el" :files ("*.el")) :ensure t) ;; you can utilize :map :hook and :config to customize copilot ``` ###### `quelpa` + `quelpa-use-package`: ```elisp (use-package copilot :quelpa (copilot :fetcher github :repo "copilot-emacs/copilot.el" :branch "main" :files ("*.el"))) ;; you can utilize :map :hook and :config to customize copilot ``` ##### Option 2: Load manually Please make sure you have these dependencies installed (available in ELPA/MELPA): + `dash` + `s` + `editorconfig` + `f` After installing those, clone this repository then insert the below snippet into your config file. ```elisp (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/copilot.el") (require 'copilot) ``` #### 2. Configure completion ##### Option 1: Use `copilot-mode` to automatically provide completions ```elisp (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'copilot-mode) ``` To customize the behavior of `copilot-mode`, please check `copilot-enable-predicates` and `copilot-disable-predicates`. ##### Option 2: Manually provide completions You need to bind `copilot-complete` to some key and call `copilot-clear-overlay` inside `post-command-hook`. #### 3. Configure completion acceptation Use tab to accept completions (you may also want to bind `copilot-accept-completion-by-word` to some key): ```elisp (define-key copilot-completion-map (kbd "") 'copilot-accept-completion) (define-key copilot-completion-map (kbd "TAB") 'copilot-accept-completion) ```

Programming language detection

Copilot.el detects the programming language of a buffer based on the major-mode name, stripping the -mode part. Resulting languageId should match table here. You can add unusual major-mode mappings to copilot-major-mode-alist. Without the proper language set suggestions may be of poorer quality.

(add-to-list 'copilot-major-mode-alist '("enh-ruby" . "ruby"))



Check the current status of the plugin. Also you can check logs in the *copilot events* buffer and stderr output in the *copilot stderr* buffer.


Login to GitHub, required for using the plugin.


Enable/disable copilot mode.


Try to complete at the current point.


Accept the current completion.


Clear copilot overlay in the current buffer.

copilot-accept-completion-by-line / copilot-accept-completion-by-word

Similar to copilot-accept-completion, but accept the completion by line or word. You can use prefix argument to specify the number of lines or words to accept.

copilot-next-completion / copilot-previous-completion

Cycle through the completion list.


Log out from GitHub.



The executable path of Node.js.


Time in seconds to wait before starting completion (default to 0). Note Copilot itself has a ~100ms delay because of network communication.

copilot-enable-predicates / copilot-disable-predicates

A list of predicate functions with no argument to enable/disable triggering Copilot in copilot-mode.

copilot-enable-display-predicates / copilot-disable-display-predicates

A list of predicate functions with no argument to enable/disable showing Copilot's completions in copilot-mode.


A list of commands that won't cause the overlay to be cleared.


Format: '(:host "" :port 7890 :username: "user" :password: "password"), where :username and :password are optional.

For example:

(setq copilot-network-proxy '(:host "" :port 7890))

Known Issues

Wrong Position of Other Completion Popups

This is an example of using together with default frontend of company-mode. Because both company-mode and copilot.el use overlay to show completion, so the conflict is inevitable. To solve the problem, I recommend you to use company-box (only available on GUI), which is based on child frame rather than overlay.

After using company-box, you have:

In other editors (e.g. VS Code, PyCharm), completions from copilot and other sources can not show at the same time. But I decided to allow them to coexist, allowing you to choose a better one at any time.

Cursor Jump to End of Line When Typing

Reporting Bugs



These projects helped me a lot: