copleykj / react-native-meteor

Full Meteor client with Tracker integration for React and React Native
MIT License
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This project was adapted from react-native-meteor by inProgress Team to be more up to date and focused. This documentation has been revised to be more coherent, dependencies have been updated, and the API has been brought closely in-line with Meteor.

If you are moving from that package to this one, you may find certain parts are missing which were deemed to be outside the scope of this package (ListViews), they were removed/deprecated in meteor core, or they are outdated methods of connecting Tracker with your componenets (connectMeteor, composeWithTracker and createContainer).

Supporting The Project

Finding the time to maintain FOSS projects can be quite difficult. I am myself responsible for over 30 personal projects across 2 platforms, as well as Multiple others maintained by the Meteor Community Packages organization. Therfore, if you appreciate my work, I ask that you either sponsor my work through GitHub, or donate via Paypal or Patreon. Every dollar helps give cause for spending my free time fielding issues, feature requests, pull requests and releasing updates. Info can be found in the "Sponsor this project" section of the GitHub Repo

Installation And Setup

npm i --save @socialize/react-native-meteor

React Native

While this package was originally intended soely for React Native, it can now be used in other environments as well. Because of this, when using this package with React Native you will need to install the netinfo and async-storage plugins provided by @react-native-community and then import parts of React Native that help this package optimally use React Native features, and pass them to the configureOptionalDeps method provided by this package.

npm i --save @react-native-community/netinfo @react-native-community/async-storage
import Meteor, { Mongo, useTracker, configureOptionalDeps } from '@socialize/react-native-meteor';
import NetInfo from '@react-native-community/netinfo';
import Storage from '@react-native-community/async-storage';
import { unstable_batchedUpdates as batchedUpdates } from 'react-native/Libraries/Renderer/shims/ReactNative';

configureOptionalDeps({ InteractionManager, batchedUpdates, NetInfo, Storage });


Calling configureOptionDeps will cause Meteor.isReactNative to be set to true. To stop this from happening in cases where you aren't using React Native, but want to configure an alternative Storage or NetInfo, pass isReactNative: false along with the rest of the options.

configureOptionalDeps({ Storage: localForage, isReactNative: false });


Add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file for faster reconnects to the DDP server when your device reconnects to the network.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

If running an android emulator you have to forward the port of your meteor app.

adb reverse tcp:3000 tcp:3000

Example Usage


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import Meteor, { withTracker } from 'react-native-meteor';
import TodosCollection from '../api/todo';

Meteor.connect('ws://192.168.X.X:3000/websocket'); //do this only once

class App extends Component {
  renderRow(todo) {
    return (
  render() {
    const { todos, todosReady } = this.props;

          {todosReady ? : <View>Loading...</View>}

export default withTracker(params=>{
  return {
    todosReady: Meteor.subscribe('todos').ready(),
    todos: TodosCollection.find({done: false}, { sort: { createdAt: -1 }}),


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import Meteor, { useTracker } from 'react-native-meteor';
import TodosCollection from '../api/todo';

Meteor.connect('ws://192.168.X.X:3000/websocket'); //do this only once

const renderRow = (todo) => {
  return (
export default () => {
  const { todos, todosReady } = useTracker(() => {
    return {
      todosReady: Meteor.subscribe('todos').ready(),
      todos: TodosCollection.find({done: false}, { sort: { createdAt: -1 }}),

        {todosReady ? : <View>Loading...</View>}

External Usage

I've put a bit of time into being able to make use of this package outside of React Native. I can't guarantee perfection, but it seems to work well within a CodeSandbox project. Feel free to fork the following sandbox and give it a go.

Edit @socialize/react-native-meteor Test Sandbox


A very simple demo, replicating the CodeSandbox project above, is available in the demo folder of the GitHub Repo. Make sure you have Expo installed and then from the demo folder run expo start.

Reactive Data Sources

These reactive sources can be used inside withTracker and useTracker. They will be populated into your component if they change.



import Meteor, { Tracker } from '@socialize/react-native-meteor';

const handle = Meteor.subscribe('socialize.friends');

Tracker.autorun(() =>{
        console.log('Subscription ready...');


Collections work almost exactly like they do inside your Meteor app. To create a new collection you call new Mongo.Collection('collectionName', options). Currently only the transform option will be used. If you are sharing code between apps, other options will be ignored. The only potential issue that may arise here is if you use the connection option. Only the default connection is currently supported. If you have use for multiple connections, PR's and FR's are welcome.

These methods work offline. That means that elements are correctly updated offline, and when you reconnect to ddp, Meteor calls are taken care of.

import { Mongo } from '@socialize/react-native-meteor';
import { Widget } from './models/widget';

let WidgetsCollection = Mongo.Collection("widgets", {
  transform: (document) => {
    //make our documents instances of the Widget class
    return new Widget(document);

const aWidget = WidgetsCollection.findOne();

const cursorOfWidgets = WidgetsCollection.find();

const arrayOfWidgets = WidgetsCollection.find().fetch();

Keeping in line with Meteor's API, isClient is provided as well as a isReactNative, similar to how Meteor provides isCordova when code is running in a cordova build. isServer and isCordova are not provided as they will still be falsey when checking. These properties allow for code reuse across your codebases.

DDP connection

Meteor.connect(url, options)

Connect to a DDP server. You only have to do this once in your app.



Once connected to the ddp server, you can access every method available in ddp.js.


Disconnect from the DDP server.

Meteor Methods

Additional Packages


import { reactivedict } from 'react-native-meteor';

See documentation.


import Meteor, { Accounts } from 'react-native-meteor';

React Meteor Data

import { withTracker, useTracker} from 'react-native-meteor';

See Meteor's react-meteor-data documentation for more info.


This package uses Rollup.js as it's bundler. Run npm install --only=dev to install dev dependencies and then run npm run dev to bundle the package and watch for changes.

For single, unwatched builds use npm run build

For developing and testing locally in a React Native project, you can use wml to link this package to your React Native project.


Eslint configurations are provided for sanity. After cloning, you can run npm install --only=dev. This will install all necessary dependencies to enable linting in your code editor such as vscode.

Pull Requests, Feature Requests, and Bug Reports are welcome!