Ranking Methods
Bayesian ranking methods implementation
WeightedLossRanking (ranking_function.r)
RankingWeights (ranking_function.r)
SelectNP (sim_ranking_experiment.r)
SimData (sim_ranking_experiment.r)
PostSamples (sim_ranking_experiment.r)
RunSimulation (sim_ranking_experiment.r)
Parameters for Simulation
see lossDF data frame
Comparing Ranking Methods
use variables
For data set, vary on:
N, number of objects to be ranked (for now, just pick 25)
assigned in qbeta function qbeta(i/N+1, 1, 1)
gap size between true parameters and type of gap size (even vs random gap size)
this depends on a_n and b_n in the qbeta function
n number of sample for each item (varying within each dataset unif)
choose an n_max, n_min then do qbeta*n for each (goes from n_max to n_min)
qbeta(i/N+1, 1, 1)n
a_n, b_n
n_max, n_min
for now, just do a=1, b=1 but leave this open for now.
vary n when p is close. given a vector of n for a current problem.
come up with various n (from more to less uniform values)
- assign in order ASCENDING
- assign in reverse order DESCENDING
- randomly assign N RANDOM
binomial vs normal (add later maybe)
Ranking methods:
loss type
weights on ranks
Do this for:
correct in top N (RankMetric function)
- if top item is in top 5
Functions for Simulation:
- create n, p
- create data from n, p
- create rankings from n, p
- posterior from stan
- use posterior to get rankings
- save rankings matrix in a list by ranking method. each matrix has a cols items, rank. N, n_sim, n_rankingMethod
Testing with ranking_sim_debug.r
varying gap width expected order stats from various beta distributions
standard unif will evenly space from i/N+1
qbeta(i/N+1, 1, 1) gives 1/N+1
- tests ranking_function.r using a simple normal model, normal two-level data, and simple random intercept model.
- Step 1 listed after Step 2 for ease of testing when editing ranking_function.r
- relies on several .stan files.
Tests Four Sets:
- small normal n = 5
- normal two-level data from Multilevel Models class
- binomial random intercept n = 10 with conflicts (cafe)
- NJ n = 21 county LBW
- IL n = 102 county LBW
- compare ranking Methods
- could use total loss?
- answer how often we meet our goal: how often you meet your goal (% true top 10 in ranking's top 10)?
- houses WeightedLossRanking function
Positional Loss
1. Loss on Ranks
- accounts for varying levels on uncertainty in the point estimates of various ranked items
- assumes ranks are evenly spaced (TODO check)
a. Square Error Loss on Ranks
file: loss_on_ranks.r (function = loss_on_ranks)
b. Absolute Error Loss on Ranks
file: loss_on_ranks.r (function = loss_on_ranks)
c. Zero One Loss on Ranks
file: loss_on_ranks.r (function = loss_on_ranks)
2. Loss on Probability Scale
- accounts for varying levels on uncertainty in the point estimates of various ranked items
a. Square Error Loss on Probability Scale
b. Absolute Error Loss on Probability Scale
c. Zero One Loss on Probability Scale
3. Loss on Data Scale (same as prob scale for binomial, right?)
(TODO can we be this flexible?)
- accounts for varying levels on uncertainty in the point estimates of various ranked items
- ranking will depend on data's scale (TODO check this)
a. Square Error Loss on Point Estimate Scale
b. Absolute Error Loss on Probability Scale
c. Zero One Loss on Probability Scale
4. Weighted Loss on Rank Scale
- allows users to weight ranked items or positions (or both? TODO add as 2nd step)
- accounts for varying levels on uncertainty in the point estimates of various ranked items
a. Square Error Loss on Point Estimate Scale
b. Absolute Error Loss on Probability Scale
c. Zero One Loss on Probability Scale
Comparison Loss
5. Loss on Ranks
- accounts for varying levels on uncertainty in the point estimates of various ranked items
- assumes ranks are evenly spaced (TODO check)
a. Square Error Loss on Ranks
b. Absolute Error Loss on Ranks
c. Zero One Loss on Ranks
Loss Function-less Ranking Methods
6. Rank by Posterior Means (estimates)
file: posteriormeans.r
- simple, typically used across fields
- ignores varying levels on uncertainty in the point estimates of various ranked items
7. Henderson & Newton Threshold Functions (R Value)
see their package (maybe include here)
Possible Additions:
- multilevel modeling from Ron's earlier student (name?) into ranking
- comparison loss functions with weighting
- additional ranking methods by other authors
Packages to Reference:
Paper Timeline
Feb 2018: abstract to JSM (accepted April 2018) DONE
April 2018: draft program DONE
May 2018: finish program
June 2018: simulations + outline + draft paper
July 2018: write paper, write talk, practice talk
July 28-30: JSM talk
August 2018: send paper to Ron for final edits, submit
Function specific TODOs (older)
Future Work Notes
TODO 3 outer product of the matrix to vectorize to replace double for loops. vectorizing apply outer product
TODO Q: for rank, must use r function sort. How can we fix this? OR is this fine?
TODO should there be autoscaling of original matrix to prevent numbers that are too small?
TODO add checks for invalid inputs
TODO Add heuristic methods for LSAP + compare. Look for papers by Louis' group
TODO Compare weighting strategies.
Q: what should epsilon be? When do we have numerical stability problems?
LSAP might act weirdly with actual 0 weights (this is a problem with Louis)
what we really want is orders of magnitude between weights. (weights dont need to sum to one. To normalize, divide each by sum)
e.g. c(1, e, e^2, e^3) then normalize if you want. TODO question: what should epsilon be? When do we have numerical stability problem
Q: does our 1, e, e^2 etc work better than 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, (these zeros will all be tied).
Epsilon losses automatically breaks ties. Mostly want to show that it doesnt change answer about top 10 + ranking of bottom set will be better.
Q: do I really want to have cliffs? Should it be smooth, gradual? How would we make this smooth? Are there various ways to try to get the good points of cliff functions.
Can you make a smooth function that performs as well as cliffs? Is there a natural cliff? (page views on google?)
Then is this related to threshold functions? e.g. i just care about my item, everyone else is less important
Smoothness might be desireable in situations where you see the whole list. (college rankings)
TODO create visualizations: D3.js? this could be a good situation to use weights based on people's interests. Show different weight vectors.