core-api / python-openapi-codec

An OpenAPI codec for Core API.
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OpenAPI Codec

An OpenAPI codec for Core API.

travis-image pypi-image


This is a Python Core API codec for the Open API schema format, also known as "Swagger".


Install using pip:

$ pip install openapi-codec

Creating Swagger schemas

To create a swagger schema from a coreapi.Document, use the codec directly.

>>> from openapi_codec import OpenAPICodec
>>> codec = OpenAPICodec()
>>> schema = codec.encode(document)

Using with the Python Client Library

Install coreapi and the openapi-codec.

$ pip install coreapi
$ pip install openapi-codec

To use the Python client library to interact with a service that exposes a Swagger schema, include the codec in the decoders argument.

>>> from openapi_codec import OpenAPICodec
>>> from coreapi.codecs import JSONCodec
>>> from coreapi import Client
>>> decoders = [OpenAPICodec(), JSONCodec()]
>>> client = Client(decoders=decoders)

If the server exposes the schema without properly using an application/openapi+json content type, then you'll need to make sure to include format='openapi' on the initial request, to force the correct codec to be used.

>>> schema = client.get('', format='openapi')

At this point you can now start to interact with the API:

>>> client.action(schema, ['pet', 'addPet'], params={'photoUrls': [], 'name': 'fluffy'})

Using with the Command Line Client

Once the openapi-codec package is installed, the codec will automatically become available to the command line client.

$ pip install coreapi-cli
$ pip install openapi-codec
$ coreapi codecs show
Codec name   Media type                 Support              Package
corejson   | application/coreapi+json | encoding, decoding | coreapi==2.0.7
openapi    | application/openapi+json | encoding, decoding | openapi-codec==1.1.0
json       | application/json         | decoding           | coreapi==2.0.7
text       | text/*                   | decoding           | coreapi==2.0.7
download   | */*                      | decoding           | coreapi==2.0.7

If the server exposes the schema without properly using an application/openapi+json content type, then you'll need to make sure to include format=openapi on the initial request, to force the correct codec to be used.

$ coreapi get --format openapi
<Swagger Petstore "">
    pet: {
        addPet(photoUrls, name, [status], [id], [category], [tags])
        deletePet(petId, [api_key])

At this point you can start to interact with the API.

$ coreapi action pet addPet --param name=fluffy --param photoUrls=[]
    "id": 201609262739,
    "name": "fluffy",
    "photoUrls": [],
    "tags": []

Use the --debug flag to see the full HTTP request and response.

$ coreapi action pet addPet --param name=fluffy --param photoUrls=[] --debug
> POST /v2/pet HTTP/1.1
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> Connection: keep-alive
> Content-Length: 35
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/coreapi+json, */*
> Host:
> User-Agent: coreapi
> {"photoUrls": [], "name": "fluffy"}
< 200 OK
< Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, api_key, Authorization
< Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Connection: close
< Content-Type: application/json
< Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 13:17:33 GMT
< Server: Jetty(9.2.9.v20150224)
< {"id":201609262739,"name":"fluffy","photoUrls":[],"tags":[]}

    "id": 201609262739,
    "name": "fluffy",
    "photoUrls": [],
    "tags": []