coreysabia / Universal-Turing-Machine

A Universal Turing Machine written in Python; and Dockerized.
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Universal Turing Machine

Please note: If you are not viewing this file on the GitHub repo, it might be a good idea to do so - since it is written in markdown, it is rendered in a much more human readable format at the following link:

This is currently intended for the instructor of the class that this was written for. The contents within this doccument and this GitHub Repo are not intended to be public, but will be pulic for the next few weeks to allow ease of grading and submission to the instructor of the contributors to this repo. If you are not the instructor, please ignore this repo.

[Step 1] Initial Download(s)

To run the program as intended you will need to follow the instructions listed just below this text. Please ensure that you have met all of the requirements in this first step before moving on.

Clone this repository. It can be done in one of the following ways (1, 2, or 3):

  1. If you already have Git installed you run the following command git clone
  2. If you already have GitHub Desktop installed you can, on the GitHub website, navigate to the main page of the repository. Just above the folders and code (to the right), click the green button which says Clone or Download and the select Open in Desktop to clone the repository in GitHub Desktop. Follow the prompts in GitHub Desktop to complete the clone.
  3. Finally, you can install a .zip of the repository by following almost all the steps from the previous option. On the GitHub website, navigate to the main page of the repository. Just above the folders and code (to the right), click the green button which says Clone or Download and the select Download Zip to download the repository as a .zip file. OR click on this link to download the zip directly If you followed this step, please take a minute to un-zip the repository.

Download and Install Docker.

  1. Go to: and login.
  2. Next download and install Docker on your local machine. Follow all prompts and ensure that virtulization is enabled on your machine (Docker will tell you if it is not when you try to run it).

[Step 2] Translating the Transitions

If you have not already done so, or if you do not wish to use the transitions set that you provided the class NOTE: the testing transitions that you provided the class are already translated and can be either used for the UTM or used as and example of how to properly translate new transitions. They can be found in the transitions/testing_transitions.json file inside this repository please follow the instructions just below to translate the transitions you wish to use into the required json format. Please ensure you have met all of the requirements of this second step before moving on.

Basic formatting of the json

  1. The file needs to start with and open curly bracket "{", the file needs to close with a curly bracket "}"
  2. The name of each field is formatted as follows "Name", this is followed by a colon ":", followed by the intended value for the field "Value". to finish the field, and signify to the parse that there will be another field end the line with a comma ",". For the last field in an object ignore the comma
  3. The comma rule also applies to the nested objects, the last one doesnt have a comma at the end.

Specifics for this json format

  1. The first field in the json is the current state that the machine is in
  2. The first nested field is the character under the read head
  3. The final nested fields are the value to write on the tape, the direction to move, and the state the machine needs to move to

[Step 3] Initial Setup

Now that you have downloaded and installed everything you need, and translated any transitions you wish to use it is time to make sure everything is setup and ready to go. Please ensure you have met all of the requirements of this third step before moving on.

  1. Start Docker. Click on the Docker icon on your Desktop or wherever you put it, to run the Docker Desktop agent. Please wait 1 to 3 minutes for the Docker agent to fully boot.
  2. Open a Command Line Interface (CLI). Since you are using windows, CMD will work perfectly.
  3. On the CLI, navigate to the root directory of the repository that you either cloned or downloaded from GitHub using the cd and/or dir commands to navigate. Once you are in the root directory of the repository ensure that the file structure looks similar to the following:
  1. Now that you are in the root directory of the repository, please run docker build -t utm . in the CLI to build the Docker image. (NOTE: Please ensure that you include the . (period) character when running the command.)
  2. Once the Docker image has been built successfully (NOTE: this may take a few minutes the first time since it is gathering all the dependencies), you are able to now start the Docker container get a shell inside it. Do this by running docker run -it utm:latest sh. You should now see a # in your CLI indicating that you are now using the shell inside the running Docker container.

[Step 4] Running the Universal Turing Machine (inside the Docker container)

Now that you have completed all of the previous steps you are finally ready to run the UTM. Please follow the instructions below in order to ensure that it is run correctly.

  1. Start the UTM program by running the command python
  2. You should now see the prompt: ? Enter the input tape:. Please type or paste in the input tape now, and then click enter/return.
  3. You should now see the prompt: ? Enter the path to the transitions file:. Please enter the relative path to the transitions file which should be in the /transitions folder (NOTE: if you followed the instructions in [Step 4] you should have placed the file you created in this folder). If you are using the previously translated testing transitions that you provided the class, you should type or copy and paste in transitions/testing_transitions.json. (!!!PLEASE NOTE: Please ensure that the slash used is a single forward slash / since this is linux based Docker container.)
  4. You should now see the prompt ? Enter the start state (default: q0): q0. Please enter the starting state for the transitions if the starting state is not q0 (NOTE: Please ensure to first delete the default input if you are not using q0 before typing in a new value). (!!!PLEASE NOTE: If you are using the previously translated testing transitions that you provided the class, you should use q1 here since that is the starting state that you provided)
  5. You should now see the prompt ? Enter the final state (default: qdone): qdone. Please enter the final state for the transitions if the final state is not qdone (NOTE: Please ensure to first delete the default input if you are not using qdone before typing in a new value). (!!!PLEASE NOTE: If you are using the previously translated testing transitions that you provided the class, you should use q2 here since that is the ending state that you provided)
  6. You should now see the prompt ? Enter the character for end markings/padding:. Please enter the symbol, icon, or ascii character which you used/defined in the transitions (NOTE: If you used a " " (space) simular to in the example_multi.json or example_palindrome.json transitions then you should actually type a " " (space, minus the quotes) here). (!!!PLEASE NOTE: If you are using the previously translated testing transitions that you provided the class, you should use Δ here since that is the character which you used).
  7. You should now see the prompt ? Enter the speed of the output (default: 0.03): 0.03. Please enter the speed you wish for the rendering to be, the larger the integer that you provide, the slower it will run. The default input will provide a decent medium speed, not to slow not too fast (NOTE: Please ensure to first delete the default input if you are not using 0.03 before typing in a new value).
  8. You should now see the prompt ? Enter how much of the tape you would like to see (default: 15): 15. Please enter the amount of the tape you wish to see (number of characters left and right of the read head) while the tape is being rendered. Do not use a very large integer here, just one which will fit within the width of the CLI window that you are using. (NOTE: Please ensure to first delete the default input if you are not using 15 before typing in a new value). Now when you hit enter/return the UTM will run.
  9. You should now see the UTM running off of the input tape and transitions you provided it. If you do not see this, please ensure that you gave proper inputs for the previous requested inputs.
  10. Have fun! Thank you for making it this far into the instructions for running the UTM. You should now know how to operate the UTM, feel free to try and break it, make new and interesting transitions, or just watch it work.

Example Transitions and Explanation (Please only reference this if you need help understanding how to translate transitions.)

Assumptions in the following json formatted text: the initial state is q0 and final state is qdone (you can define these when running the program)

    "q0": {
        " ": {
            "write": "a",
            "move": "right",
            "nextState": "q1"
    "q1": {
        " ": {
            "write": "b",
            "move": "left",
            "nextState": "q1"
        "a": {
            "write": "b",
            "move": "left",
            "nextState": "qdone"