coreyshuman / stereo_raspi

Provides an OpenCV interface to accept raw TCP streams from Raspberry Pis using the raspivid application and apply barrel distortion to be used with the Oculus Rift.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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stereo_raspi Documentation

This document describes the purpose and usage of the stereo_raspi project as of February 2nd 2014.

There are three main components to this project:

cap_ffmpeg_stream.cpp -

This file provides an interface to OpenCV which allows for the capture of raw h264 video streams, specifically from Raspberry Pis using the raspivid application. This interface is modeled after the built in video capture interfaces in OpenCV.

barrel_dist.c -

This provides a very simple barrel distortion that can be applied to the output frame from cap_ffmpeg_stream.

stereo_raspi.cpp -

This is the main entry point to the project. This function initilizes two instances of cap_ffmpeg_stream and retrieves the frames in parallel using simple threading. New threads are then distorted using the barrel distortion algorithm, and then combined into a single frame for output. This output feed can be used with an Oculus Rift.

TODO: add oculus.c and gimbal_position.c


FFmpeg Win32 shared build version: 2014-01-15 git-785dc14

OpenCV version

Using the Firmware:

The application is run like a console app. It expects 4 arguments: The IP address of the Raspberry Pi that will be controlling the gimbal servos, the UDP port the that gimbal position daemon is listening on, and the two TCP ports it will listen on for video streams. An example:

> stereo_raspi.exe 2002 2003 2004

To initiate the video feed on each Raspberry Pi, you can use the following command, making sure that the IP address points to the device running stereo_raspi, and the port number matches what was used above:

> raspivid -t 9999999 -n -hf -vf -w 640 -h 800 -g 10 -pf baseline -o - | nc <IP> 2003

One of the Raspberry Pi's must be running the raspi_gimbal daemon to control the gimbal servos.

Once the application is running, there are a few commands that can be used from the output video window:

C - this will exit the application

F - this will flush the video buffer, a work-around to fix sync between the streams

D - This will toggle between different interpupillary distance options

S - This will save a snapshot to the local directory