corgicode / api

Backend for the codecorgi platform
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Codecorgi is a visual portfolio for front-end developers to showcase their code and experience. Codecorgi's vision is to help employ the workforce by providing developers continuous training and project experience. Our company believes that junior developers have a difficulty landing their first programming career.


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We're using docker and docker-compose to start the application.

Install Docker.

I used this tutorial to help me get the hang of things. I recommend it for getting started.

Grab the repo:

git clone

Then start the containers:

docker-compose up -d

It will take a long time running the first time while downloading all the dependencies, but the future times it will be super quick.

Run docker-compose down when you're not working to save resources in your machine, and docker-compose restart if you need to restart the application.

Now you can visit your local version going to http://localhost:9500.

The watcher should restart the application everytime a file changes in the backend, but if you notice that is not happening, run the restart command manually.

If the application can't be accessed an error might have occurred, to look at the logs run the command docker-compose logs -f --tail=10 node.

Env variables

The four following variables are needed to run the application.


The github ones are pretty self explanatory, register an application here, is used for authentication and to get some information about the users.

The Admin api key is a key that can be included in the request headers to allow for admin access, temp solution.

Base url is mostly used to redirect to routes in the front end.

Migrations (Seed data)

Make an admin request to http://{BASE_URL}/api/migrate to get seed data in your mongo database.

Trying to make it work as a command didn't work.


Optionally, on your computer, run npm install in the root to get the code linting, and some extra tools.

The npm packages and other deps will be installed on the containers when you run docker-compose build.


Particulary for the backend, we're using a code linting tool that will enforce certain code styles, download the eslint plugin for VSCode, or your editor, and it should start working automatically. We're using the airbnb style guide. It will warn you of things like using var, not using the correct amount of spaces, etc. It can be hard to remember all the rules at the begining but thankfully the errors and help tend to be clear and in no time you'll do them instinctively.

Learn more about eslint here.

Linting will help identify:

Running a Lint program over your source code, helps to ensure that source code is legible, readable, less polluted and easy to maintain.

If you run npm test in the root of the application, it will also let you know if there are linting errors, in case your code editor doesn't support, or if you need to identify errors.

We won't merge Pull Requests with code linting errors.

Git Flow

Git flow is a branching model and a plugin for git that helps you manage your branches easier, that way we don't overstep in each other codes, all the contributions should go through pull requests, so git flow will help you manage your workflow easier.

First you need to install and activate git flow, to install on mac use homebrew:

brew install git-flow

Then run git flow init on the root of the project to set up your git flow configuration.

To start a new feature, like to close a ticket or add some code, run the command, where NAME is a short description of the issue or the ticket number from gitlab. For example git flow feature start adding-users.

Commit often, and push to your branch, and when you're ready create a merge request on gitlab. An admin will approve the request and merge your code into develop, and create new releases.

For now that's all you need to know, you can find more information about git flow here.

Detailed installation instructions here.


The following are tools, packages or technologies used.


Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.


I recommend following a short express introduction before jumping into the code, to help you understand what requiring is, middleware, routes, etc.

This codeschool one seems complete enough, but feel free to use whatever one you prefer.


JSON Api is an specification for building APIs in JSON. By following shared conventions, you can increase productivity, take advantage of generalized tooling, and focus on what matters: your application

Mongo and Mongoose

MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas.

Mongoose is an elegant mongodb object modeling for node.js

That means, Mongo is the actual system that stores data, and mongoose is a tool we use so the application can communicate with the database. It stores data, retrieves it and can perform validations to reject transactions.

Here's a quickstart guide from their website that goes over the intro concepts. You can skim through it.

Here's a more in depth tutorial that goes over mongoose and express.


Redis is a fast, open source, in-memory key-value data structure store.

Writing to Redis is a lot faster than writing to Mongo or other data stores, the data can be set with an expiration date and it doesn't offer the same reliability. Making it perfect for caching data. Every time we run a long operation we can store the result of that operation in the redis database, and the next time that same result is needed we can fetch it from redis instead of running the operation again, that will make the users happier and save resources on the server.

What is redis.

Try a demon of redis online.