coriell-research / ursaPGx

R Package for Star Allele Annotation
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The goal of this package is to use phased VCF data to assign star alleles to samples using existing frameworks from the Bioconductor ecosystem and PharmVar database. This package is purpose-built for annotating the 1000 Genomes Project 30X phased VCF call sets from the NYGC.


The details of the ursaPGx star-calling algorithm along with benchmark results are presented in our recently published manuscript

Data Sources

Reference alleles and haplotype definitions are extracted from the most recent version of PharmVar. See the create-reference.R function in the data-raw directory for the exact script.

The current version of the reference haplotypes from PharmVar is: Version 5.2.13


This package is still in active development but can be installed with:

# Install ursaPGx from github

Quick Start

The callDiplotypes() function is a wrapper for calling the main pipeline steps and returning a DataFrame of the allele calls. Generating allele calls for all samples in a VCF file for CYP2C8, for example, can be done with:

# Specify the path to the VCF file
vcf <- "1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.chr10.filtered.SNV_INDEL_SV_phased_panel.vcf.gz"

# Call phased diplotypes for CYP2C8
result <- callDiplotypes(vcf, gene = "CYP2C8", phased = TRUE)

>DataFrame with 3202 rows and 1 column
>             CYP2C8
>        <character>
>HG00096       *4|*1
>HG00097       *1|*1
>HG00099       *1|*1
>HG00100       *1|*1
>HG00101       *1|*1
>...             ...
>NA21137       *1|*1
>NA21141       *1|*1
>NA21142       *1|*3
>NA21143       *1|*1
>NA21144       *1|*1

Full pipeline

Each of steps wrapped in the callDiplotypes() function above can be run individually so that the results of each step can be checked. The full caller pipeline for CYP2C19, for example:

# Specify the path the the VCF object
vcf <- "1kGP_high_coverage_Illumina.chr10.filtered.SNV_INDEL_SV_phased_panel.vcf.gz"

# Read in the VCF data as a PGx object for CYP2C19
CYP2C19 <- readPGx(vcf, gene = "CYP2C19")

# Determine what alleles can be called from the data
CYP2C19 <- determineCallableAlleles(CYP2C19)

# To return a vector of the callable alleles

# Create a reference of all positions from the callable alleles 
CYP2C19 <- buildReferenceDataFrame(CYP2C19)

# To return the reference DataFrame

# Convert the genotype code to nucleotides
CYP2C19 <- convertGTtoNucleotides(CYP2C19)

# To return the genotype matrix for all samples

# Create diplotype calls for every sample
result <- callPhasedDiplotypes(CYP2C19)

>        CYP2C19
>HG00096   *2|*1
>HG00097   *1|*1
>HG00099  *17|*1
>HG00100   *1|*1
>HG00101   *1|*1
>HG00102  *17|*1


CYP2D6 allele calling is performed using an interface to Ilumina Cyrius CYP2D6 star allele caller. Since CYP2D6 calling needs copy number information, BAM/CRAM files are used as input to the function instead of VCF. Please refer to the function documentation (?cyrius()) for more information about calling CYP2D6.

Cyrius is a Python program and needs certain Python dependencies to run successfully. In order to run cyrius(), first install the necessary dependencies using the install_cyrius() function and then activate the environment:

# Install the Cyrius dependencies into a conda/virtualenv called 'r-reticulate'

# Activate the 'r-reticulate' environment

Now you're ready to use cyrius() to call CYP2D6 alleles:

# Create a vector of BAM/CRAM file paths
cram <- c("", "", "")

# Optionally name the input files
names(cram) <- c("HG00276", "HG00436", "HG00589")

# Specify the path to the reference fasta file used in BAM/CRAM creation
fa <- "GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa"

# Call CYP2D6 for each of the samples using Cyrius
result <- cyrius(cram, reference = fa)


>DataFrame with 3 rows and 3 columns
>             Sample    Genotype      Filter
>        <character> <character> <character>
>HG00276     HG00276       *4/*5        PASS
>HG00436     HG00436    *2x2/*71        PASS
>HG00589     HG00589      *1/*21        PASS