COmmon pool Ressources and Multi-Agent Simulations
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Cormas is a platform for agent-based modelling and simulations implemented in Pharo - a pure object-oriented programming environment.
Cormas was originally developed by the Green research unit (today part of UMR SENS) based on the years of field experience. Cormas was specifically developed to support Companion Modelling (ComMod) - a participatory approach that involves stakeholders in every step of model development and exploration.
Documentation and tutorials about Cormas are available on our website:
If you want to contribute to CORMAS please have a look to the contributing guide.
Read our Installation Guide for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to install Cormas
Browse > Playground
in the top menu. Paste the script below in Playground then click on Do it
(green button in the top-left coirner of Playground) to execute it:Metacello new
repository: 'github://cormas/cormas';
baseline: 'Cormas';
Use this script if you want the development version of Cormas:
Metacello new
repository: 'github://cormas/cormas:dev';
baseline: 'Cormas';
All packages load into the Cormas-* package names:
## CLI Installation You can install CORMAS through Unix command line. It works as follow: ```console # Create a cormas/ directory and navigate into it mkdir cormas; cd cormas # Download Pharo 12 image and virtual machine curl | bash # Install Cormas ./pharo Pharo.image eval " Metacello new repository: 'github://cormas/cormas/'; baseline: 'Cormas'; load. Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true" ``` Then you can open your Cormas image with user interface: ```console ./pharo-ui Pharo.image ``` ## Saving your image As you use Cormas, you should always save your image (the state of your environment). For that, select `Save` from the Pharo menu. Alternatively, if you want to save your image in a custom location, select `Save As...`:
Then write the name of your choice (e.g.: `CormasPharo.image`):
# Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](