A command line tool build with Golang to migrate a GitLab project to Gitea.
It uses the exposed API of both systems to migrate following data of a project:
It skips creation if an item already exists.
go install github.com/cornelk/gitlab2gitea@latest
Installing the tool from source code needs to have a recent version of Golang installed.
./gitlab2gitea --gitlabserver https://gitlab.domain.tld/ --gitlabtoken 12345 \
--giteaserver https://gitea.domain.tld/ --giteatoken 54321 \
--gitlabproject group/project --giteaproject group/project
Migrate labels, issues and milestones from GitLab to Gitea.
Usage: gitlab2gitea --gitlabtoken GITLABTOKEN [--gitlabserver GITLABSERVER] --gitlabproject GITLABPROJECT --giteatoken GITEATOKEN --giteaserver GITEASERVER [--giteaproject GITEAPROJECT]
--gitlabtoken GITLABTOKEN
token for GitLab API access
--gitlabserver GITLABSERVER
GitLab server URL with a trailing slash
--gitlabproject GITLABPROJECT
GitLab project name, use namespace/name
--giteatoken GITEATOKEN
token for Gitea API access
--giteaserver GITEASERVER
Gitea server URL
--giteaproject GITEAPROJECT
Gitea project name, use namespace/name. defaults to GitLab project name
--help, -h display this help and exit