cornell-zhang / Polynormer

Polynormer: Polynomial-Expressive Graph Transformer in Linear Time
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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graph-neural-network graph-transfomer homophilic-and-heterophilic-graphs linear-transformer polynomial-network



Polynormer is an expressive graph transformer (GT) that adopts a local-to-global attention scheme with linear complexity. Particularly, the proposed attention module possesses high expressivity in learning equivariant polynomial functions, which map input node features into output node representations. Our experimental results showcase that Polynormer outperforms competitive GNN and GT baselines on a wide range of mainstream datasets, including homophilic graphs, heterophilic graphs, and large graphs with millions of nodes. More details are available in our paper.

Figure1: An overview of the Polynormer architecture.


Python environment setup with Conda (Linux)

conda create -n polynormer python=3.9
conda activate polynormer
conda install pytorch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install pyg -c pyg
pip install ogb # only required for ogb graphs
pip install gdown # only required for pokec

conda clean --all

Running Polynormer


We provide the implementation of Polynormer with ReLU. If you would like to see the performance of Polynormer alone, please comment out all ReLU functions.

conda activate polynormer

# running a single experiment on roman-empire
python --dataset roman-empire --hidden_channels 64 --local_epochs 100 --global_epochs 2500 --lr 0.001 --runs 1 --local_layers 10 --global_layers 2 --weight_decay 0.0 --dropout 0.3 --global_dropout 0.5 --in_dropout 0.15 --num_heads 8 --save_model --beta 0.5 --device 0

# running all experiments with full batch training

# running all experiments with mini-batch training (only required for ogbn-products and pokec)
cd large_graph_exp

Dataset statistics

Dataset Type #Nodes #Edges
Computer Homophily 13,752 245,861
Photo Homophily 7,650 119,081
CS Homophily 18,333 81,894
Physics Homophily 34,493 247,962
WikiCS Homophily 11,701 216,123
roman-empire Heterophily 22,662 32,927
amazon-ratings Heterophily 24,492 93,050
minesweeper Heterophily 10,000 39,402
tolokers Heterophily 11,758 519,000
questions Heterophily 48,921 153,540

Expected results

Dataset Metric Best baseline from our paper Polynormer-r (first run)
Computer Accuracy 92.03 (OrderedGNN) 94.07
Photo Accuracy 95.49 (NAGphormer) 96.67
CS Accuracy 95.75 (NAGphormer) 95.28
Physics Accuracy 97.34 (NAGphormer) 97.14
WikiCS Accuracy 79.01 (OrderedGNN) 81.20
roman-empire Accuracy 91.23 (DIR-GNN) 92.48
amazon-ratings Accuracy 53.63 (GraphSAGE) 55.04
minesweeper ROCAUC 93.91 (GAT-sep) 97.19
tolokers ROCAUC 83.78 (GAT-sep) 85.15
questions ROCAUC 78.86 (FSGNN) 78.35


We provide the results of Polynormer with ReLU for the first run. Thus, the above results are slightly different from the averaged results over 10 runs in our paper.

Experiments on Large Graphs

1. cd large_graph_exp
2. see for instructions

Visualization on Polynormer attention scores

Figure 2: Visualization on the importance of nodes (columns) to each target node (row).

In Figure 2, higher heatmap values indicate greater importance. Both Figures 2(a) and 2(b) consider nodes are important if they share the same label as the target node, while Figure 2(a) has an additional constraint that these nodes are at most 5-hop away from the target node; Figure 2(c) measures node importance based on the corresponding global attention scores in Polynormer, which clearly showcases that Polynormer attention scores effectively differentiate those globally important nodes from unimportant ones.


If you use Polynormer in your research, please cite our work published in ICLR'24.

  title={Polynormer: Polynomial-Expressive Graph Transformer in Linear Time},
  author={Chenhui Deng and Zichao Yue and Zhiru Zhang},
  booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},