corona-warn-app / cwa-hotline

Corona-Warn-App: Issues with the public hotline +498007540001/2
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TAN hotline overloaded - infected people not getting through and giving up #14

Closed vaubaehn closed 1 year ago

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

Which hotline

TAN hotline

What is missing

Enough staff that can pick up calls from users

Why should it be included

To enable more users to warn their contacts

Additional information

Hi there, according to current Google Play Store reviews for CWA, the telephone hotline for TANs (entering TAN to warn risk contacts) is overloaded! People are waiting >30min, many are giving up... Resulting in many people not getting warned about their infection risk. It looks like that the responsible companies have not been prepared for the higher incidence rates, and too less people are currently on phone to pick up user calls.

Is there anything you can do from your side, e.g., @thomasaugsten to forward a red alert to the responsible people? Thank you in advance!

cc: @dsarkar @heinezen



Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-10939

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

Aaaand twitter reports:

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

Here's someone complaining that the TAN hotline did not call back:

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim That twitter report is from November 12th. According to for many months there has been requests for TANs <300 daily. Since beginning of November there is a strong increase of TANs, since end of last week there are remarkable peeks. So the problem may already exist for some days, and now very quickly going worse...

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

Good evening, @daniel-eder I just found out that TSI is responsible for the TAN hotline. Are you able to forward the urgent problem reported here to the related parties? Thank you in advance for your feedback!

daniel-eder commented 2 years ago

Hi @vaubaehn, thank you for the report and for the ping. I'm not directly involved with the Hotline, but I'll forward this to our internal stake holders, although i suspect they are aware of the issue (if all operators are on 24/7 with long waiting times for callers that is visible internally as well)

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

Dear @daniel-eder , perfect, thanks a lot. Then we'll most likely see a better response from the call center soon. Have a relaxing night!

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


Can you relabel this issue to bug, please?

Another Twitter report: "Gestern vier mal bei der Hotline der @coronawarnapp angerufen um mir einen TAN zu besorgen. Vier mal wurde ich aus der Leitung gekegelt.. Dann melden wir uns halt nicht #Covid_19 #CoronaWarnApp"

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

Here are also two more reports in Google Play Store from today:

it's sad that it's still an issue.

And combined with the other issue, that people can't register their test QR codes, it's kind of a catastrophe currently.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

Another Twitter report: "Ich mag keine Wut-Posts. Der muss aber sein: Ich versuche seit einer Stunde das positive Testergebnis eines Familienmitglieds in die #CoronaWarnApp zu bekommen. Kein QR-Code funktioniert. Bei der Hotline nach 20 Minuten Warteschleife aufgelegt. Projekt ist mMn leider gescheitert."

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

UPDATE: This list is no longer updated

Twitter reports (this list will be extended over time):

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

@daniel-eder & @thomasaugsten

Is there any improvement planned here?

thomasaugsten commented 2 years ago

Please forward the collection to the corona warn mail of the RKI

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


You mean I should send the list of affected Twitter users to

thomasaugsten commented 2 years ago

Yes there have maybe a communication to handle this

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

@thomasaugsten Okay, done. The hotline is not under influence of TSI/SAP?

thomasaugsten commented 2 years ago

The hotline is not related to the GitHub here. This is the reason to communicate the issue directly.

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

Although the hotline issue is not well suited to being reported here in GitHub, it would be good to know if there are any agreed metrics for the TAN hotline (Service Level Agreement).

Typical call center software will report on such metrics as:

so I would assume that the management of the TAN hotline is well aware that there is an issue.

There hasn't been any real feedback here so we don't know if there is a technical issue with the hotline or if there are simply insufficient call agents available to handle the current call volume.

daniel-eder commented 2 years ago

Any insights into the contractual situation or even the metrics really can only be given by the client, in this case the RKI. They do not have an official presence here, so the best we can do is communicate anything mentioned here internally. That said, I think it is very much a valid concern to look for feedback on the situation, but I can only refer to the already mentioned e-mail address of the RKI - they might be able to provide more insight into their current view and the planned next steps.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

Answer from the RKI to my mail:

"[…] Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck an der Steigerung der Hotline-Kapazitäten, jedoch ist dies aus vielerlei Gründen mit erhöhtem Aufwand verbunden. Wir bitten die Verzögerung zu entschuldigen und empfehlen, es zu einem anderen Zeitpunkt erneut zu versuchen. […]"

I really hope we will see an improvement soon...

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-10939

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

There are less Twitter reports on this, it seems like the situation has improved (or less users are getting infected and want to request a TAN).

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

It seems like the situation got worse again.

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

Yes, there were also again few reports in Google Play Store. I don't understand, why in the beginning of the Omicron wave the operating hours of the TAN hotline has been reduced for daily 2 hours (closing at 20.00 instead of 22.00)?

Closed issue by accident - reopened accordingly.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


Actually, the working hours have been reduced from 24/7 to 07:00h to 20:00h.

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim Maybe you could write to RKI once more? ❤️ I don't know who's responsible for this planning, but my gut feeling is, it's connected with funding... Maybe you could ping Karl Lauterbach on Twitter?

To be honest, this kind of misplanning and obviously forseeable faults affect my motivation to engage into the project volunteerly rather much in a negative way.

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago


Actually, the working hours have been reduced from 24/7 to 07:00h to 20:00h.

I wasn't aware :(

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


I will write to the RKI via Mail again.

I can also ping Karl Lauterbach, but I doubt that I get an answer.

To be honest, this kind of misplanning and obviously forseeable faults affect my motivation to engage into the project volunteerly rather much in a negative way.

I would guess that there was some kind of internal analysis when the fewest calls reached the hotline and probably this was the time between 20:00h and 07:00h (however, I wonder why the technical hotline is still reachable from 07:00h till 22:00h).

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago


I will write to the RKI via Mail again.

Thanks a lot.

I can also ping Karl Lauterbach, but I doubt that I get an answer.

I also wouldn't expect an answer, but something like "Es mehren sich Berichte, dass Covid-Infizierte bei der TAN Hotline nicht mehr durchkommen, um Codes für die Übermittlung einer Warnung über die Corona-Warn-App zu erhalten. Zudem wurden zu Beginn der Omikronwelle die Geschäftszeiten der Hotline verkürzt. Könnten Sie bitte schauen, was da los ist und ggf. (finanziell) nachsteuern? Vielen Dank!" and putting RKI, Corona-Warn and maybe some media in cc. With your reputation it may have an effect, even without answer. I don't have twitter unfortunately, and of I opened an account just for this, I would miss the reputation...

To be honest, this kind of misplanning and obviously forseeable faults affect my motivation to engage into the project volunteerly rather much in a negative way.

I would guess that there was some kind of internal analysis when the fewest calls reached the hotline and probably this was the time between 20:00h and 07:00h (however, I wonder why the technical hotline is still reachable from 07:00h till 22:00h).

Yes, that's probably the case. Most likely the intention was to safe some costs... But this is saving money at the wrong place as it's undetermining some crucial basic concepts of the whole project. To get a positive public perception and to be taken serious by the public, such a hotline needs to be reachable 24/7. Saving some 10.000 Euros is not worth damaging the whole project in these basic necessities.

@dsarkar additionally, the FAQ states that BOTH hotlines are closed during national holidays - could you please cross-check whether this is true? Thank you!

Edit: Whether tweeting or not, and if yes, what text/form is subject of internal discussion.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


See my PM in Slack.

@dsarkar additionally, the FAQ states that BOTH hotlines are closed during national holidays - could you please cross-check whether this is true? Thank you!

This should definitely be cross checked as the app itself does not say so.

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

After internal discussion, @Ein-Tim published this tweet:

Thank you, @Ein-Tim ! ❤️

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago


... the FAQ states that BOTH hotlines are closed during national holidays

Good catch!

"The TAN hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week." to

"The TAN hotline is available Monday to Sunday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. German local time (except on German national holidays)."

CWA Android 2.16.2 says: "Business hours: Daily (including weekends) 7am - 8pm (CET)"

This should probably be opened as a new issue in cwa-website. Do you want to do this?

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim @MikeMcC399 @vaubaehn Thanks for pinging me. @MikeMcC399 or @Ein-Tim Would you provide a PR and remove "(except on German national holidays)." from the TAN hotline? Let me know, please, thanks!

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago


Yes I will provide a PR.

FYI @MikeMcC399 & @vaubaehn

MikeMcC399 commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim Thanks for picking this up! The next German public holiday is not until Apr 15, 2022, so you have plenty of time to get the information fixed!

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

PR opened to fix the wrong information reg. the reachability of the TAN hotline on German national holidays in the FAQ.

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim thanks also for your comment

We will forward this to the corresponding entity.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

Answer from the RKI to my second mail:

Um dem in den letzten Tage stark erhöhten Anruferaufkommen während der Tagesstunden gerecht zu werden, wurden die Servicezeiten der Verifikationshotline umgestellt - wie Sie zu Recht vermuten, um die Personalkapazität zu erhöhen. Leider benötigt auch diese Umstellung etwas Zeit, bitte seien Sie versichert, dass wir auch daran mit Hochdruck arbeiten! Bis zu einer reibungslosen Umsetzung können wir Sie nur um Ihre Geduld bitten.

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim Thanks a lot. But I still don't get how this could happen as this situation was completely foreseeable quite some time ago. At least measures are taken (again).

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

I still update

Meanwhile, more and more users are reporting that they get through after some time, but they are not called back.

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim Thanks for letting us know. Will be forwarded.

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

According to some tweets you collected @Ein-Tim , hotline staff seems exhausted thus reacting unfriendly. Sounds like a lose-lose-situation for everyone. (related:

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

There are multiple users on Twitter reporting that through the huge load the service quality decreased. This Tweet e.g. says:

Kann ich nachvollziehen! Wenn ich dann aber jemanden erreiche, die Person völlig genervt meine T-Nr. falsch aufschreibt und auflegt während ich die Nummer korrigieren will und ich jetzt wieder stundenlang in der Hotline hänge fehlt mir sämtliches Verständnis

This is a lose-lose situation for everyone, the hotline staff is exhausted and thus the quality of the service is bad and the user is also unhappy because they had to wait for a long time anf then there is someone who is really stressed and does rush through the process.

There is only one way to improve the situation: Increase the capacity of the hotline team.

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

I'm getting a bit frightened to see how @Ein-Tim 's list of collected sample complaints extends.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

Two twitter users are reporting that they only had to wait 10-15 min. This is acceptable. Maybe the situation improved?

xlr5 commented 2 years ago

Today I waited >45 minutes until I got someone who gave me a TAN

dsarkar commented 2 years ago

@Ein-Tim @xlr5 Will forward your feedback Thanks.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

Judging from Twitter reports the situation today is really bad, waiting times between 45 Min & 1.15h.

vaubaehn commented 2 years ago

According to Google Play Store, someone tried for 2hrs yesterday, wrote he let it ring in one single call... Don't know whether the waiting line keeps callers actually such long in the line... Others reported to give up after 30/45 mins...

Doesn't look like it was possible to organize a real improvement during the last 3 weeks.

Ein-Tim commented 2 years ago

Meanwhile Twitter users are reporting that the waiting times are between 15-30 min. This is acceptable, but most users still think that it is too long.

ndegendogo commented 2 years ago

Tbh, I would give up after ~ 5 minutes....