corowne / lorekeeper

A dA ARPG masterlist framework
MIT License
113 stars 124 forks source link


Lorekeeper is a framework for managing deviantART-based ARPGs/closed species masterlists coded using the Laravel framework. In simple terms - you will be able to make a copy of the site, do some minor setup/enter data about your species and game, and it'll provide you with the automation to keep track of your species, players and ARPG submissions.



Important: For those who are not familiar with web dev, please refer to the Wiki for a much more detailed set of instructions!!

Obtain a copy of the code

$ git clone

Configure .env in the directory

$ cp .env.example .env

Client ID and secret for at least one supported social media platform are required for this step. See the Wiki for platform-specific instructions.

Add the following to .env, filling them in as required (also fill in the rest of .env where relevant):

CONTACT_ADDRESS=(contact email address)
DEVIANTART_ACCOUNT=(username of ARPG group account)

Setting up

Composer install:

$ composer install

Generate app key and run database migrations:

$ php artisan key:generate 
$ php artisan migrate

Add basic site data:

$ php artisan add-site-settings
$ php artisan add-text-pages
$ php artisan copy-default-images

Finally, set up the admin account for logging in:

$ php artisan setup-admin-user

You will need to send yourself the verification email and then link your social media account as prompted.


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the Discord server: