corriander / gtksv-scilab

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Treatment of Scilab special char $ #1

Open corriander opened 12 years ago

corriander commented 12 years ago

$ is actually a valid "word character" in Scilab, even though it is a special character.

For now it is just defined as a special character and left at that. It's probably bad practice to use $ in Scilab variables so if it just gets highlighted as a special character that's probably no bad thing, but it may be possible to get the best of both worlds by imposing suitable boundaries on the special-char context match of $

corriander commented 12 years ago

On reflection, it's probably worth noting that this doesn't affect any stock Scilab code elements as none of them to my knowledge use this character as a word-char, it only affects user-defined constructs, e.g. the expression var$=1 will result in the $ being highlighted as a special-char, even though this is perfectly valid.