Scilab syntax highlighting for GtkSourceView enabled programs (e.g. gedit).
This repo houses an attempt to achieve two goals:
Please note that this has been developed on gedit 3.2.3. It should work in other contexts (other gedit versions or other GtkSV3-enabled applications) but it's not been tested (yet). Functionality in GtkSV2 (e.g. gedit 2.x) is unknown.
scilab.lang is the language specification and is essential. It should work in conjunction with arbitrary colour schemes, but in order to get scinotes-like highlighting it must be used in conjunction with scinotes.xml. The vast majority (probably) of keywords/macros/primitives shipped with Scilab 5.3.3 should be recognised. Semantic highlighting is not possible with GtkSV3 as far as I know, so there are no externally defined functions, user variables or macros.
scinotes.xml is the scinotes colour/style specification and has been written to take advantage of the syntax specification in scilab.lang to emulate the SciNotes 1.1 styles as closely as possible. A major focus has been on making this a template style file as colour schemes are very personal and whilst this is aimed at a very specific "scheme" (a strong word) I intend to adapt it later so I've tried to make it easy and clear to customise or base other styles on.
scilab.lang is in a working state
scilab.xml is TODO
scilab.lang contains the Scilab 5.3.3 syntax spec, scinotes.xml has a SciNotes 1.1 colour scheme (for use with scilab.lang) and is optional. The value of the colour scheme for non-scilab syntax is ..debatable.
Highlighting in GtkSV-utilising applications is dependent on two distinct elements; a language specification file and a style file which dictates the styles referred to in the language specs.
GtkSV language specs (*.lang) reside in a folder
Style files (*.xml) reside in
On Ubuntu 11.10
OR (on a per-user basis, folder and subfolders can be created if not present)
Your installation may vary, but just drop the files in the right folder.