corysabol / seg

A tool to test network segmentation. It offers a listener and a scanner component.
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Seg is a segmentation testing tool designed to overcome some of the challenges that typically come with segmentation scanning. It offers two modes; seg scan, and seg listen.

Current Features

See the Future Development section for a list of planned features.

Scan mode

In scan mode seg will accept input from a file which contains a list of network tags (strings which identify the network to the user) followed by a listener IP address. See Target Specification. The tool will then leverage nmap or a pure rust in-built scanner depending on the supplied options to scan all ports for each listener supplied. This can be done for UDP and TCP.

Listen mode

In listen mode, seg will leverage nftables to establish port fowarding rules, and an anti-lockout rule. These rules can be customized using flags or by supplying a custom nft ruleset. If you need a set of base rules to work off of when creating custom rules, seg listen has the --emit-rules flag which will print the default rules used by seg to stdout. You can modify these and pass them to a listener using the --rules flag.

See the usage section below, or the examples section for a more thorough walkthrough on how to use seg.


Aside from using the provided docker image with docker pull 84d93r/seg you can find prebuilt binaries under releases. seg currently depends upon nmap for scanning and nftables for listening. You may need to install these on your systems. For example on Ubuntu linux:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y nmap nftables iptables-nftables-compat
sudo systemctl enable nftables.service


seg needs to be ran as root using sudo or by switching to the root user.

Listen mode

Run in listener mode

Usage: seg listen [OPTIONS]

          Emits the base rules template for customization
      --rules <RULES>
          An optional rules file to use
      --protocol <PROTOCOL>
          The protocol to listen for connection over. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED! [default: both] [possible values: tcp, udp, both]
  -l, --listen-address <LISTEN_ADDRESS>
  -a, --access-port <ACCESS_PORT>
          Port used to access the host (typicall 22 for ssh) [default: 22]      
  -p, --port <PORT>
          Port to listen on for both TCP and UDP [default: 5555]
  -h, --help
          Print help

Scan mode

Run in scanner mode

Usage: seg scan [OPTIONS] --input-file <INPUT_FILE>

  -i, --input-file <INPUT_FILE>  Path to the file containing lines of network-na
  -s, --scan-type <SCAN_TYPE>    [default: both] [possible values: tcp, udp, both]
  -h, --help                     Print help

Target specification

For now targets are only input to scan mode via a file containing lines of the following format:




Scanner mode

seg scan --input-file networks.txt

Listener mode

seg listen


docker pull 84d93r/seg

Scanner mode

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/out -w /out --net host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add NET_RAW 84d93r/seg scan --targets /out/target.txt --protocol both

Listener mode

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/out -w /out --net host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add NET_RAW 84d93r/seg listen --protocol both



Testing with Vagrant



From admin powershell shell

cd vagrant/hyper-v
vagrant up
vagrant ssh listener
# in another shell
vagrant ssh scanner

You can run the binary from these VMs to test the tool over the VM network.

🎯 Seg Tool Roadmap

βœ… Currently Implemented

πŸš€ Future Development