cose451-asu / chat-server

Chatting server implemented by using Scala, Akka, Cats
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Chatting server implemented by using Scala, Akka, Cats

Getting Started

Start CockroachDB

1. Install CockroachDB

Follow the link above and instructions to install CockroachDB

2. Start a local CockroachDB cluster with secure mode

This is the process of running the CockroachDB and it includes configuration for authentication. Authentication is used for secure connection between CockroachDB and chat-server. The command cockroach cert create-client must be run in both root and chatserver. We recommend you to set the dir for authentication to be ($HOME)/.cockroach-certs, otherwise you will have to set COCKROACH_CERTS_DIR before running chat-server.

3. Change cert file type to pk8

Since Jdbc does not support pem authentication file, you have to use command below to convert the authentication file to pk8

ls $HOME/.cockroach-certs
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in client.root.key -out client.root.pk8 -nocrypt
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in client.chatserver.key -out client.chatserver.pk8 -nocrypt

4. Start a single CockroachDB instance

cockroach start to run a single node DB

5. Set chat-sever schema

cockroach sql scripts/init.sql to run sql.

Start chat-server

1. Install Java8 or openjdk 11

2. Install Scala

3. Install SBT

4. Run chat-server

While CockroachDB is running, run command below to start chat-server

// chat-server directory에서 실행
git submodule init
git submodule update

5. chat-sevice API Protocol

Running chat-server provides gRPC API in chat-service

Apply TLS to chat-server

Change the following env. Variables to run server in TLS mode

an X.509 certificate chain file in PEM format: CHAT_TLS_CERT_CHAIN_FILE 
a PKCS#8 private key file in PEM format: CHAT_TLS_KEY_FILE