cosmicds / blaze-star-nova

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Vue Data Story Template

This repository contains a template for setting up a purely Vue-based Cosmic Data Story using WorldWide Telescope. This template is built using components from @cosmicds/vue-toolkit, which is included here as a dependency. This template sets up the basic infrastructure for a story - integrating the WorldWide Telescope component, providing some basic HTML scaffolding for placing controls in the main component, and generally providing the overall Vue project structure.


To start creating your own data story, you can use the following steps.

Deployment and Github Actions

The built story is just a set of HTML/CSS/JS + any assets that you add, so it should be easy to host anywhere. One simple way to host a story is using Github Pages, which provides a free static site hosting service for public repositories. This repository provides two workflows (see the .github/workflows directory) to help with this:

BrowserStack testing - CosmicDS team

If you're a member of the CosmicDS team, we can perform E2E testing (both locally and in Github Actions) using BrowserStack. To activate this testing, uncomment the relevant pieces in the provided workflows. Note that you'll need to have our BrowserStack username and access key for this to work correctly. (If the repository that you're working on is part of the CosmicDS organization, you shouldn't need to add these at the repository level).