cosmicds / hubbleds

Hubble's law data story
MIT License
0 stars 8 forks source link

Project generated with PyScaffold

Hubble's Law

A Cosmic Data Story about Hubble's Law



Running HubbleDS

Inside the hubbleds folder in your terminal,

    $ CDS_API_KEY="<your api key>" solara run hubbleds.pages --theme-variant dark

Development Tip

If you update .css, you have to force refresh your browser (shift-command-r on a mac) for the changes to register.

Legacy Code

As of 4/30/2024, the voila-based code has been moved to the legacy branch.

To run the legacy code, you also need the legacy branch of the cosmicds repo.



This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.5. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see