cosmicds / vue-toolkit

Vue-based toolkit for creating Cosmic Data Stories using WorldWide Telescope
MIT License
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Cosmic Data Stories Vue toolkit

This repository contains the basic components for constructing a Vue-based Cosmic Data Story using WorldWide Telescope. Included are a base data story component that integrates WorldWide Telescope, as well as several other general-purpose components that can be easily added to a data story.


To install, simply run one of the following commands:

# If you're using NPM
npm i @cosmicds/vue-toolkit

# or if you're using Yarn
yarn add @cosmicds/vue-toolkit


If you're doing development work on these components, it will likely be useful to have an external sample project that imports a development version of this one. The easiest way to do this is probably to use npm-link. For example:

cd <path-where-you-keep-the-toolkit-repo>

# build the package
yarn build

# set up link to local development version
npm link
cd <path-to-your-sample-repo>
npm link @cosmicds/vue-toolkit

# To make local changes to the toolkit active, you have to rebuild the package after every change.
# Tip from @johnarban: This will take you to the previous directory you were in, which makes it easier to toggle between folders
cd - 

# to unlink when you are done (Note - order is important here)

cd <path-to-your-sample-repo> # if you're not already there
npm unlink --no-save @cosmicds/vue-toolkit

cd <path-where-you-keep-the-toolkit-repo>
npm unlink