cosmir / openmic-annotator

Annotation framework for annotating data for OpenMIC
MIT License
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Open-MIC -- The Open Music Instrument Classification Challenge

Build Status

What's going on here?

This is the source repository for the Open-MIC initiative, a community-driven approach to benchmarking content-based MIR algorithms in a transparent and sustainable way.

Relevant Links

Annotation System Overview

This CAS architecture can be described in the following (approximately) sequential manner, where the corresponding functions are numerated in turn:

Content Annotation System Architecture


Here is a rough projection of the timeline for progress on the Open-MIC project, as detailed above:

Open-MIC Roadmap - v1.2

Running the annotation machinery locally

The easiest way to get started is to run the demo at the commandline:

   $ ./

This will start the backend server (CMS), upload a few audio files, and begin serving the audio annotation tool locally. By default this will appear at http://localhost:8000/docs/annotator.html.


Alternatively, instructions for running the different parts of the system are listed below.

Content Management System

See the ReadMe for details on running the backend web server.

Audio annotator

If this is your first time checking out this repository, you'll need to pull in external dependencies by saying

git submodule update --init

after cloning the repository.