baby is a blockchain built using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint and created with Ignite CLI.
Inspired by Jacob Gadikian old blockchain project aimed at teaching Cosmos. Baby blockchain is intended as a guide for people to learn Cosmos.
Baby is intended to be an open source interactive learning with CI/CD to confirm the work of leaners.
Baby is intended to be easy and captivating to learn with 5 minutes lessons only.
Baby learning path includes:
- deploying a local testnet Specs here
- writing claims module Specs here (building)
SDK Vietnam community class
I. Chapter 1: Chain Interaction
Purpose: Chain interaction serves as cornerstone in helping a person get familiar with Cosmos SDK
- Group 1: Starting a chain
- Group 2: Interacting with a chain through cli
- Group 3: Interacting with a chain through API
- Group 4: Chain configuration
- Group 5: Setting up a validator
II. Chapter 2: Building a custom module
Group 1: Protobuf
- Lesson 1: Write a protobuf struct in Cosmos
- Lesson 2: Generate protobuf struct
Group 2: Write a chain module
- Lesson 3: Integrate module into app.go
- Lesson 4: Add new chain module data structure
- Lesson 5: Add new chain module logic
- Lesson 6: Add chain module CLI interaction
- Lesson 7: Add handling for chain module logic genesis state
- Lesson 8: Expose new chain module logic in module.go
- Lesson 9: Integrate new chain module logic to app.go
Group 3: Testing
- Lesson 10: Add unit testing
- Lesson 11: Add system testing
- Lesson 12: Linting
Group 4: Scripts
- Lesson 13: start node and local-net script
- Lesson 14: development script in Makefile
Group 5: Capstone project
- Lesson 15: Practice building a simple text module part 1
- Lesson 16: Practice building a simple text module part 2
III. Chapter 3: Building CosmWasm contracts
- Group 1: Basic setup
- Lesson 1: CosmWasm introduction
- Lesson 2: Bootstrap a basic CosmWasm dapp