costashatz / nao_gazebo

ROS Packages to simulate Aldebaran's NAO Humanoid in Gazebo through NAOqi Simulator SDK
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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ROS Packages to simulate Aldebaran's NAO Humanoid in Gazebo through NAOqi Simulator SDK


0.0.1 (Beta)


nao_gazebo requires several packages to be installed in order to work properly:


You need to have either environmental variable AL_SIM_DIR or CMake option NAOqi_SIM_DIR pointing to the C++ NAOqi Simulator SDK path.

Also, you need to have either environmental variable AL_DIR or CMake option NAOqi_DIR pointing to the C++ NAOqi SDK path.

Check cmake/FindNAOqiSIM.cmake for more details.

Basic Usage

Bringup nao_gazebo

roslaunch gazebo_naoqi_control nao_gazebo.launch

This will open up Gazebo with NAO model loaded and simulation paused! You need to open Choregraphe (or any other driver) to give commands to NAO as you would give to a real robot.


NAO at simulation start up is stiffened off. You need to connect to Choreographe and enable stiffness (wake up the robot), before the robot falls down. DO NOT enable stiffness with the simulation paused. It will cause NAOqi to be stalled and no further commands can be issued!

Visualize modified model/urdf

roslaunch gazebo_naoqi_control display.launch

This will open up RViz with NAO model loaded for debugging purposes.

URDF Modifications

Please feel free to check models/nao.xacro file for modifying for example sensor properties...

Plugin SDF elements

Load plugin in URDF

Classic gazebo model plugin insertion.. See example in models/model.xacro. In practice create a file like model.xacro and tune the xacro properties.

    <plugin filename="" name="gazebo_naoqi_control">
      <controlPeriod>the_control_period_you_wish</controlPeriod> <!-- do not create a field if you wish to use Gazebo's control period -->

NOTE that sensor names must be as they are in nao.xacro file..


Future Work



Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis