cotestatnt / Arduino-Google-API

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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With the GoogleAPI Arduino library, you can easily authenticate your Espressif (ESP8266 and ESP32) device as an OAuth 2.0 client without user interaction, except for the first time when your application must be authorized to provide the user's consent.

The first step is to create a new Project in the Google API console and set up credentials to obtain a valid Client ID, Client Secret, API key, and enable all the required APIs (Drive, Gmail, Sheets, Calendar, etc.).

You also have to define which scope your application will be able to manage. Follow instructions provided in the API Console Help for detailed instructions and How-To. To create your project and credentials, visit the page Google API Console.

Google API credentials

Client ID, Client Secret, API key and Scope can be created/defined only once by the developer. Then, the user has to authorize the application to get a valid access token and a refresh token to renew the access token when expired.

The easiest way to use Google's APIs would be using Google's JavaScript OAuth 2.0 for Client-side library provided from Google itself in a webpage hosted on the ESP device. Unfortunately, only top-level domains can be whitelisted as "Authorized JavaScript origins," so this way is impracticable for our purposes.

This library will authorize your device as a Web Service using the OAuth 2.0 endpoint for Web Server Applications, and a little web server hosted on ESP is necessary. For your (or your users') convenience, the provided http://(your_device_address)/token page can handle all necessary steps in the background and finally save the JSON configuration file in the ESP memory.

Note that users will be warned about an "unverified App" unless you submit a request to Google for verification if you require it. You can simply skip it for testing purposes or if you don't need to redistribute: just click on advanced and then go to ---your app name---(unsafe).


As you can read in the Google documentation, for this authorization scenario, it is necessary to have an authorized redirect URI as endpoints to which the OAuth 2.0 server can send the generated tokens. If you own a top-level host, I've written a small PHP script, and you can upload it to your server and use it as a redirect URI.

Another good option for a redirect URI is using a micro-service like, for example. The free plan will be largely sufficient for most cases (remember, you will need it only once for each user). This is my pipedream working workflow, feel free to copy and use it for your convenience. The redirect URI to be used will be the one generated when you deploy your workflow (something like

The redirect URI has to be inserted in your OAuth 2.0 Client ID credential definition (edit it after creating). Remember also to add as an authorized JavaScript origin.

OAuth 2.0 Client ID


GoogleSheetAPI Class

GoogleDriveAPI Class

GoogleGmailAPI Class

To do

Supported boards

The library works with the ESP8266 and ESP32 chipset.