couchbaselabs / couchbase-developer-kit

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Couchbase Developer Kit

Couchbase is a database platform. It has three main developer components:

Try Couchbase for the First Time


Couchbase records are JSON documents.


TODO: Setup steps


# Navigate to the server directory
cd server

# Connect to the travel sample database 
./server couchbase://localhost/travel-sample -u admin -p password

# Read the record for San Francisco International airport
(server) get airport_3469

# Create a new record for Dawson Community Airport
(server) put airport_10000 {"airportname":"Dawson Community Airport"}
(server) get airport_10000

# Update the record for Dawson Community Airport to include more information
(server) put airport_10000 {"airportname":"Dawson Community Airport","city":"Glendive","country":"United States","faa":"GDV","geo":{"alt":2456,"lat":47.133071760160384,"lon":-104.8024315730339},"icao":"KGDV","type":"airport","tz":"America/Denver"}
(server) get airport_10000

# Delete the record for Dawson Community Airport
(server) rm airport_10000
(server) get airport_10000


# Navigate to the lite directory
cd lite

# Open the travel sample database
./lite --writeable samples/travel/db.cblite2

# Read the record for San Francisco International airport
(cblite) get airport_3469

# Create a new record for Dawson Community Airport
(cblite) put airport_10000 {"airportname":"Dawson Community Airport"}
(cblite) get airport_10000

# Update the record for Dawson Community Airport to include more information
(cblite) put airport_10000 {"airportname":"Dawson Community Airport","city":"Glendive","country":"United States","faa":"GDV","geo":{"alt":2456,"lat":47.133071760160384,"lon":-104.8024315730339},"icao":"KGDV","type":"airport","tz":"America/Denver"}
(cblite) get airport_10000

# Delete the record for Dawson Community Airport
(cblite) rm airport_10000
(cblite) get airport_10000


# Navigate to the gateway directory
cd gateway

# Start the gateway with the travel sample config
./bin/sync_gateway samples/travel/config.json

# Connect to the gateway
./gateway -url http://localhost:4984/travel

# Read the record for San Francisco International airport
(gateway) cat airport_3469

# Create a new record for Dawson Community Airport
(gateway) put airport_10000 '{"airportname":"Dawson Community Airport"}'
(gateway) cat airport_10000

# Update the record for Dawson Community Airport to include more information
(gateway) put airport_10000 '{"airportname":"Dawson Community Airport","city":"Glendive","country":"United States","faa":"GDV","geo":{"alt":2456,"lat":47.133071760160384,"lon":-104.8024315730339},"icao":"KGDV","type":"airport","tz":"America/Denver"}'
(gateway) cat airport_10000

# Delete the record for Dawson Community Airport
(gateway) rm airport_10000
(gateway) cat airport_10000


Couchbase queries are SQL.


# Navigate to the server directory
cd server

# Connect to the travel sample database 
./server couchbase://localhost/travel-sample -u admin -p password

# Find the San Francisco International airport record using it's airport code
(server) SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` WHERE faa='SFO'

# Find the first 10 airports in alphabetical order
(server) SELECT id, airportname FROM `travel-sample` WHERE airportname IS NOT NULL ORDER BY airportname LIMIT 10

# Find the altitude of the highest airport in each country
(server) SELECT country, max(geo.alt) AS alt FROM `travel-sample` group by country


# Navigate to the lite directory
cd lite

# Open the travel sample database
./lite samples/travel/db.cblite2

# Find the San Francisco International airport record using it's airport code
(cblite) SELECT * WHERE faa='SFO'

# Find the first 10 airports in alphabetical order
(cblite) SELECT id, airportname WHERE airportname IS NOT NULL ORDER BY airportname LIMIT 10

# Find the altitude of the highest airport in each country
(cblite) SELECT country, max(geo.alt) AS alt GROUP BY country



Connect to the server travel sample database.

# Navigate to the server directory
cd server

# Connect to the travel sample database 
./server couchbase://localhost/travel-sample -u admin -p password

Start the gateway with the travel sample config.

# Navigate to the gateway directory
cd gateway

# Start the gateway with the travel sample config
./bin/sync_gateway samples/travel/config.json

Open the lite travel sample database.

# Navigate to the lite directory
cd lite

# Open the travel sample database
./lite --writeable samples/travel/db.cblite2

# Start sync with the gateway
(cblite) cp --bidi --continuous ws://localhost:4984/travel

Sync a new record from server to lite

In lite, look for Dawson Community Airport – it doesn't exist.

(cblite) get airport_10000

In server, create a new record for Dawson Community Airport.

(server) put airport_10000 {"airportname":"Dawson Community Airport"}

In lite, see that the new record for Dawson Community Airport synchronized from server.

(cblite) get airport_10000

Sync a record update from lite to server

In lite, update the record for Dawson Community Airport to include more information.

(cblite) put airport_10000 {"airportname":"Dawson Community Airport","city":"Glendive","country":"United States","faa":"GDV","geo":{"alt":2456,"lat":47.133071760160384,"lon":-104.8024315730339},"icao":"KGDV","type":"airport","tz":"America/Denver"}

In server, see that the new information for Dawson Community Airport synchronized from lite.

(server) get airport_10000

Sync a record delete

In server, delete the record for Dawson Community Airport.

(server) rm airport_10000

In lite, see that the deletion of Dawson Community Airport synchronized from server.

(cblite) get airport_10000