Run a local instance of couchbase lite on you Macbook or Raspberry Pi and have it accessible via HTTP.
Couchbase Lite is a mobile database solutin to provide a NoSQL database for small devices. This little tool runs it locally and exposes it's HTTP interface so you can interact with it from anything on your local machine (or even the outside). Couchbase Lite also provides syncinc capabilities so you can sync your local database to a remote using Couchbase Server.
Take a look at the REST API for everything you can do.
This little jRuby tool is heavily inspired by Couchbase-Lite-PhoneGap-Plugin which does the same thing on android and iOS, but it runs locally on your Mac (or Pi)
Currently this has been tested on and supplies the neccessary native binaries for
Download the latest jar from the releases unpack and run via
$ java -jar couchbase-lite-local.jar
clone the git repository and install the dependencies
$ git clone
$ bundle install
and run the contained script
$ ./bin/cbl-local
make sure you are using JRuby
The jar for this bundles everything needed so it can be run standalone, to do this it uses warbler. To build the jar run
$ bundle exec rake jar