count-negative / qwickie

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eclipse java wicket


This is an eclipse plugin for the Java Webframework Wicket from

qwickie needs the IDE for Java EE Developers package (html editor)

eclipse update site:

current version: 1.2.0

old versionwith java 6 and wicket 7: 1.1.11


Just mouse click on the wicket:id while pressing ctrl in the java code editor java.png wicketcomponenthyperlink.png

to open the default html editor and mark the clicked wicket:id.

And - vice versa - mouse click on the wicket:id while pressing ctrl in the default html eclipse editor html.png wicket_message.png

Mouseover shows the line in html file hover.png

Anyone having problems with mouseover on mac, please see


There is a qwickie Nature available (now put in the project - configure menu), that checks if wicket:ids in html and java files are matching. There where some errors reported and maintaining this thing is pretty time consuming so I decided to give you some settings.

nature.png id_not_found.png id_not_found2.png quickfix.png

The preferences page (Window - Preferences - Web - QWickie)
