course-fish274-2019 / Emily-rockfish

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How do I combine a ton of columns? #1

Open emilykschwabe opened 4 years ago

emilykschwabe commented 4 years ago

Hey everybody. My data has been downloaded to my data file in my project if anyone wants to take a look at it. I am struggling with how to manipulate my data to make graphs more easily. Columns X-BK contain information about relative fish abundance from many different species. The other columns contain information about environmental factors. I want to test how different environmental factors may change fish abundance, but I have no idea if I can combine all the columns or how to go about that. It's a lot of data and I'm not sure if it would even work to try to combine the columns in the way that I want. If anyone has suggestions send them my way. Thanks.

sr320 commented 4 years ago

I presume X-BK is "Excel language"?

For instance you might want to see how salinity impacts the abundance of all the fish taxa listed?

Here are your column names

[1] "year"                  "line"                 
 [3] "station"               "longitude"            
 [5] "latitude"              "standard.haul.factor" 
 [7] "volume.water.strained" "station.depth"        
 [9] "temp_surf"             "sal_surf"             
[11] "oxygen_surf"           "steta_surf.x"         
[13] "chla_surf"             "temp_100m"            
[15] "sal_100m"              "oxygen_100m"          
[17] "steta_surf.y"          "chla_100m"            
[19] "hard_outcrop.pavement" "mixed"                
[21] "soft_sediment"         "cca"                  
[23] "pair_no"               "auriculatus"          
[25] "aurora"                "caurinus"             
[27] "chlorostictus"         "constellatus"         
[29] "crameri"               "crocotulus"           
[31] "dalli"                 ""         
[33] "diploproa"             "elongatus"            
[35] "ensifer"               "entomelas"            
[37] "flavidus"              "gilli"                
[39] "goodei"                "helvomaculatus"       
[41] "hopkinsi"              "jordani"              
[43] "levis"                 "macdonaldi"           
[45] "melanostomus"          "miniatus"             
[47] "moseri"                "mystinus"             
[49] "ovalis"                "paucispinis"          
[51] "phillipsi"             "rastrelliger"         
[53] "rosaceus"              "rosenblatti"          
[55] "ruberrimus"            "rubrivinctus"         
[57] "rufinanus"             "rufus"                
[59] "saxicola"              "semicinctus"          
[61] "serranoides"           "simulator"            
[63] "wilsoni"               "prop_dnw"             
sr320 commented 4 years ago

Very cool dataset! Here are some different ways to start exploring using simple plots

play around looking at relationships, do not worry about combining everything to begin with, recall you can plot all taxa on one plot... eg

ggplot(rockfish_larval_data) +
  geom_point(aes(x = oxygen_100m, y = jordani), color = "gray") +
  geom_point(aes(x = oxygen_100m, y = elongatus), color = "green", alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_point(aes(x = oxygen_100m, y = ensifer), color = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
   geom_point(aes(x = oxygen_100m, y = flavidus), color = "pink", alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_y_log10() +

you could use mutate to create a new column where you combine abundance of all species .

sr320 commented 4 years ago

@emilykschwabe are you sure the numbers are abundance with each taxa. They are not whole numbers. for example 14.32

emilykschwabe commented 4 years ago

That helps so much thank you! You might be right, I'm not totally certain if the numbers under the taxa are abundance. I'll figure that out! Thanks!