course-fish274-2019 / Emily-rockfish

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Purpose: The purpose of the mini project is to demonstrate the skills we have learned in this class. This project will show skills like editing raw data, editing tables, making plots, and presenting all of the information in a slide presentation.

Required Packages: ggplot2 dplyr tidyr kableExtra

Files in Order of Use:

  1. presentation/Presentation.Rmd - The Markdown file contains the code for my finalized project. It exports my Presentation.html file.

  2. scripts/ - This Markdown file contains preliminary code for my presentation.

  3. presentation/Presentation.html - the html file for the rockfish presentation

  4. class-exercises/tidyr_practice.Rmd - This Markdown contains coding content that was being explored for the first time in class. It was an introduction to using tidyr.

  5. data/rsos170639_si_001.csv - this file contains raw data about larval fish abundance and envornmental conditions

  6. figures/rockfish_temp_histogram - histogram of rockfish larval abundance at surface temp and 100 meter temp

  7. figures/rockfish_salinity_histogram - histogram of rockfish larval abundance at surface salinity and 100 meter salinty

  8. figures/rockfish_oxygen_histogram - histogram of rockfish larval abundance at surface [O2] and 100 meter [O2]

  9. Emily-rockfish.Rproj - metadata about this project

  10. .RHistory - history of changes I have made to the project

  11. .gitignore -- files that aren't getting pushed, not important


  1. Import raw data and manipulate table in a way to make data tidy.
  2. Create graphs or plots that show rockfish larval abundance in relation to environmental factors.
  3. Combine prose, images, and graphs in a presentation with slides.
  4. Make sure slide show follows rubric guidelines.