covidgraph / graph-processing_fragmentize_text

Create Fragment nodes from full text data (publications/patents)
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The Neo4J server needs to have APOC installed. Just grab the version you need from and put it in the plugins/ directory of your Neo4J installation.

create :Fragment nodes for publications


CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
"MATCH (text_node:Body_text) WHERE NOT text_node:CollectionHub RETURN text_node",
"WITH text_node,split(text_node.text, '. ') AS frags
WHERE size(frags) > 0
WITH text_node,frags,range(0,size(frags)-1) AS r
WITH text_node,frags,r
FOREACH ( entry in r | CREATE (f:Fragment:FromBody_text) 
            SET f.text = frags[entry], f.sequence = entry, f.kind = labels(text_node)[0]
            MERGE (text_node)-[:HAS_FRAGMENT]->(f) )",
{batchSize: 100, iterateList: true, parallel: false}

WHERE size(frags) > 0 checks if the property was

only works if the text property is not null

link Fragments

MATCH (f:Fragment:FromBody_text) 
WHERE f.sequence > 0
MATCH (f)<--(n)-->(f2:TestFragment:FromBody_text)
WHERE f2.sequence = f.sequence - 1
MERGE (f2)-[:NEXT]->(f)


CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
"MATCH (text_node:Abstract) WHERE NOT text_node:CollectionHub RETURN text_node",
"WITH text_node,split(text_node.text, '. ') AS frags
WHERE size(frags) > 0
WITH text_node,frags,range(0,size(frags)-1) AS r
WITH text_node,frags,r
FOREACH ( entry in r | CREATE (f:Fragment:FromAbstract) 
            SET f.text = frags[entry], f.sequence = entry, f.kind = labels(text_node)[0]
            MERGE (text_node)-[:HAS_FRAGMENT]->(f) )",
{batchSize: 100, iterateList: true, parallel: false}

link Fragments

MATCH (f:TestFragment:FromAbstract) 
WHERE f.sequence > 0
MATCH (f)<--(n)-->(f2:TestFragment:FromAbstract)
WHERE f2.sequence = f.sequence - 1
MERGE (f2)-[:NEXT]->(f)