cozycode-us / capstone

Code for CozyCode's Capstone project with Nike
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CozyCode Capstone Project

Instructions for development:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone your fork on your local machine with git clone <fork URL>
  3. Make desired changes
  4. Stage your changes with git add .
  5. Commit your changes with git commit -m <commit message>
  6. Push your changes to your branch with git push
  7. When ready, create a Pull Request.
  8. Get code reviewed by someone on the Head Development team


  1. You only need to fork the repository once! Make sure to update the fork with the upstream branch every time you want to edit it.
  2. Make sure your branch is updated at all times
  3. Make sure to only add 1 feature/change per commit. Note that in JetBrains you can commit files one at a time.
  4. Ask Linus if you have any more questions or issues

Commit Messages:

  1. Notate a bug fix with fix:. Example: fix: compiler error on line 3
  2. Notate a new feature with feat:. Example: feat: created VehicleType enum
  3. Notate a feature change with change:. Example change: refactored ParkingSpace class