cpc-it / cd-jekyll-grunt-boilerplate

A boilerplate site built with Jekyll and Grunt.
MIT License
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Cal Poly Dining Jekyll Boilerplate


This is a lightweight boilerplate of Cal Poly Dining's site including error pages and pattern library. The pattern library was created with Astrum. The site is build with Jekyll using grunt as the task runner.

Get Started

  1. Install Node.js and Ruby
  2. Run gem install bundler
  3. Install 'grunt-cli' and 'bower' globally with npm install -g grunt-cli bower
  4. $cd to the directory and run bundle install
  5. Run npm install to install the necessary "npm" dependencies
  6. Then run bower install to install the front-end dependencies
  7. That's all. Your Cal Poly Corporation Jekyll Boilerplate website is ready

    Built using the Optimized Jekyll Site With Grunt project by Oleh Zasadnyy You can find more information about the project in this article.


Astrum was used for the creation of the pattern library meant to update the current pattern library, Cookbook. The purpose of doing so was to have a git repository boilerplate that makes easier for projects to be started more quickly. This saves time when setting up a project in the future. Additionally, this updated library includes added documentation for new components that have not been accounted for in the past. For more information, reference the Astrum repository

Changelog is auto generated with this repo

  1. Install the ruby gem that holds this changelog generator.

    CPC-MC$ [sudo] gem install github_changelog_generator
  2. If you currently have a changelog and want it to be appended to the autogenerated log, change the name of that changelog to HISTORY.md.

  3. For private repositories, you must gain access of a Github API key to be able to use the changelog generator. This can be done through here. Make sure that you check the "repo" scope when generating the key.

To use the generator, use this. If the repository is not private, omit the --token tag and value.

CPC-MC$ github_changelog_generator github_username/github_project --token "api_key"

For example,

CPC-MC$ github_changelog_generator cpc-it/cd-jekyll-grunt-boilerplate --token "TOKENKEY"



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

Getting a gifsicle@0.1.7 postinstall: node index.js error?

Try these things

  1. jekyll -v to check if error is related to Node Sass. If it is, try npm rebuild node-sass.
  2. You can temporarily get around this by using a local directory version of Jekyll. This can be done by using bundle exec grunt to run the server.