cpehle / lean4-plugin-example

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A minimal Lean4 plugin example

The build code is based on the excellent lean4-papyrus stripped to a minimal example. A plugin is a way of extending Lean with native code that can be used by the interpreter, thereby enabling interactive use in Visual Studio Code and other editors supporting the Language Server protocol.

This example consists of four parts:

To test this example you can run

make test

There are differences in how Lean resolved symbols on Windows / Linux at the moment. For this reason it is not sufficient to just pass in the compiled dynamic library as a plugin to lean. This fails in Unix systems at the moment with

could not find native implementation of external declaration 'Example.funA' (symbols 'l_Example_funA___boxed' or 'l_Example_funA')


nm -D -C plugin/build/ExamplePlugin.dll | grep l_Example_funA___boxed

finds the symbol successfully. The solution is to also instruct the dynamic linker to preload the symbols from the generated dynamic library by using LD_PRELOAD=$(PWD)/plugin/build/ExamplePlugin.dll.

Using the Plugin in VSCode

If you navigate to the test/out/ex/ex0.lean file with Visual Studio Code, you will hopefully see that evaluation of the function defined in the plugin just works. This is due to workspace setting in .vscode/settings.json. It tells the language server to use the ./leanWithPlugin.sh script instead of the vanilla lean executable. Otherwise one would get the error

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'lean::exception'
  what():  could not find native implementation of external declaration 'Example.funA' (symbols 'l_Example_funA___boxed' or 'l_Example_funA')
[Error - 12:49:17 PM] Request textDocument/semanticTokens/range failed.
  Message: Server process for file:///home/cpehle/work/lean4-plugin-example/test/run/ex/ex0.lean crashed, likely due to a stack overflow in user code.
  Code: -32603 
[Error - 12:49:17 PM] Request textDocument/semanticTokens/full failed.
  Message: Server process for file:///home/cpehle/work/lean4-plugin-example/test/run/ex/ex0.lean crashed, likely due to a stack overflow in user code.
  Code: -32603 
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'lean::exception'
  what():  could not find native implementation of external declaration 'Example.funA' (symbols 'l_Example_funA___boxed' or 'l_Example_funA')
[Error - 1:10:20 PM] Request textDocument/semanticTokens/full failed.
  Message: Server process for file:///home/cpehle/work/lean4-plugin-example/test/out/ex/ex0.lean crashed, likely due to a stack overflow in user code.
  Code: -32603