Displays settings of CDOObjects as fields. Usable via logical structure view.
Download and install Eclipse IDE 2019-03 (for Enterprise Java developers).
Analogous to "Building the plugin - Manually", import following nested projects:
Navigate to cdotest/de.cooperateproject.repository.targetplatforms/neon.target
and click on the link "Set as Active Target Platform" in the upper right corner.
Open de.cooperateproject.repository.product/CooperateCDOServer.product
and click on the Launch button.
A warning will be printed to the console, similar to !MESSAGE CDO server configuration not found: /Applications/Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/configuration/cdo-server.xml
Copy REPOSITORY_PATH/test_projects/cdoserver/org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.product/config/cdo-server.xml
to the path printed in the warning.
Click on the Stop button in the Console tab in Eclipse and launch the server again by clicking the Launch button in the product.
Debug one of the Demo...
classes in the cdotest
project as described in the comments on the bottom of the files.