cprunty4 / SportsBook

A new SportsBook app designed from dotnet core to run on the Azure cloud
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Currently 6 states have legalized sports betting (New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Indiana etc) I want to build an app that has the capability to enter the online sports gambling space.

My plan is release a NFL betting site before the start of the 2020 Season on September 13th. My goal is start specific to NFL football but build a system that scalable to the other professional sports.


This repo contains the front end code. I started this code in 2020. It runs on the Azure cloud cullens-sportsbook.azurewebsites.net

The back end api code is in a different github repo that I started in 2017. The code has not been made public yet. The tool connects to a Azure SQL database. entity-types-backend-admin.azurewebsites.net

I'm using Visual Studio Code.

Here's some commands I use for debugging:

build command

dotnet build .\SportsBook.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Any CPU"

run command

dotnet run .\SportsBook.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Any CPU"

watch command