This project aims to provide a containerd shim implementation which uses systemd to manage containers.
Advantages over the standard runc (io.containerd.runc.v2) shim:
This requires a minimum of containerd 1.6 to function.
This is alpha quality software and does not yet fully implement the containerd shim API. Do not use this in production environments.
Regarding point "2" above, for containers which require a TTY we actually spin up a helper process to copy from the pty to the stdio pipes. This helper is (mostly) written in C and has minimal overhead.
make build
sudo make install # installs binary
$(which containerd-shim-systemd-v1) install # installs/starts systemd units
Put the built binary into $PATH (as seen by the containerd daemon).
# ctr run --rm --runtime=io.containerd.systemd.v1 test top
You should be able to do things like
# systemctl status containerd-default-test