cr / hx870

Python tools for the Standard Horizon HX870
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Here's my collection of experimental Python code and reverse engineering notes for hacking the Standard Horizon HX-style maritime radios by Yaesu. Currently supported are the HX870 and HX890 model series. The code also works on FT750-style aviation radios, which share the same hardware platform, to some degree as well, but that functionality is not exposed on the command line frontend, yet.


It is very easy to completely screw up your radio with low-level tooling like this, so BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL and get help from your geek friend if you're out of your depth. The software probably contains mistakes that can permanently damage your radio. Although it has been used a lot on my personal radio, I cannot guarantee that it works on yours. Use it AT YOUR OWN RISK!


This software does not work with Python 2.7! It produces just a cryptic error message.

The code is hardly documented and largely user-unfriendly and I am feeling slightly awful about it. However, you may install the command line tool into your (preferably virtual) Python 3.6+ environment via pip install git+ Then see hxtool --help for usage information.

hxtool works on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows 10 (and probably older ones, too) and it has been extensively tested with the HX870 radio without any ill effects when used appropriately.

The HX890 portion has only been tested sporadically, and be mindful of the disclaimer above.

Config DAT file dump format

This work extends on Arne Johannessen's work. It is still incomplete and currently only documented in form of a 010 Editor template.

If you can C and figure out their custom lingo for defining bitfields, you'll have no trouble reading it.

Experimantal support for GPS log

GPS logs can now be exported and erased. Supported output formats are GPX, JSON, and raw log bytes. hxtool gpslog should dump some log content to screen if radio is in programming mode. See hxtool gpslog --help for usage info.

HX870 USB protocol

The hardware exposes three USB endpoints, EP0, EP1, and EP2. EP0 is a control endpoint. URB_BULK data is sent from EP1 and received on EP2. Advertises itself as AT command interface, hence device is captured by the USB Serial kernel driver on Linux and Mac OS X.

Radio is exposed as /dev/tty.usbmodem1411 on Mac OS X.

Protocol handshake sequence

CMD message format

Tab-separated message fields, concluded by checksum and \r\n. Example:


Checksum is XOR reduce over raw bytes until and including the last \t.

There are messages with and without arguments. All messages with arguments have a checksum, and most messages (there are exceptions) without arguments do not.

Unary messages with checksum observed: #CVRRQ

Radio starts repeating messages if you don't acknowledge with #CMDOK or similar, so timing is important.

CMD messages

NMEA-style messages

Implemented as standard-compliant proprietary $P NMEA sentences.


Checksum is XOR reduce over the raw bytes between $ and *.

$PMTK Messages

$PMTK sentences appearing in firmware 02.03:

Strings appearing in YCE01 firmware flasher

These haven't been observed on the line, yet.

Factory reset

After factory reset, the following values are present at offset 0x0110 in config flash:

17 12 26 18 53 52 18 88 80 4E 00 06 11 76 21 45

After a full reboot, those values are replaced by all FF.

Testing notes
