craigallendev / prevent-awareness

Prevent awareness website
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User Story Team Research - Research ideas for project Prevent #1

Closed craigallendev closed 3 months ago

craigallendev commented 3 months ago

As a developer I can research prevent so that we can see what ideas and features we should have on our application.

craigallendev commented 3 months ago


orechelsea commented 3 months ago

We can try including vulnerability assessment and security knowledge quiz.

craigallendev commented 3 months ago

We could include tips and methods for preventing radicalisation in individuals and communities.

craigallendev commented 3 months ago

Information on local and national support networks, e.g. peer groups, counselling services, and community centres.

craigallendev commented 3 months ago Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 10 56 36 this seems like a good resource

orechelsea commented 3 months ago

Yes, it does.

craigallendev commented 3 months ago

CrazyEggz commented 3 months ago

We can include a section stating examples of suspicious activity or behaviour, and different ways people can seek advices or report if they have concerns.

craigallendev commented 3 months ago

We can include a Homepage which has a navbar for clear navigation around the website and a footer with social media links. The homepage should introduce the concept of radicalisation, its impact on individuals and communities, and the importance of prevention. It should have a recognisable logo and theme across all the pages. These colours below could be useful for the them for the following reasons.

  1. Blue Trust and Security: Blue is often associated with trust, security, and reliability. It can help create a sense of calm and reassurance. Shades: Light blue for a softer, more approachable feel; darker blue for a sense of authority and stability.
  2. Green Safety and Peace: Green is linked with safety, peace, and growth. It can evoke a sense of calm and well-being. Shades: Light green for freshness and approachability; deeper green for stability and reassurance.
  3. White Clarity and Purity: White space helps keep the design clean and uncluttered, making it easier to read and navigate. It also represents clarity and simplicity. Use: As a background color or in combination with other colors to enhance readability.
  4. Gray Neutrality and Balance: Gray can provide a neutral, balanced backdrop that doesn’t overpower other colors. Shades: Light gray for a modern, clean look; dark gray for text and elements requiring emphasis without harshness.
  5. Accent Colors (Orange or Yellow) Warmth and Optimism: Orange and yellow can be used as accent colors to draw attention to important elements such as buttons or calls to action. These colors convey warmth, optimism, and energy. Use: Sparingly, for highlights and important messages to avoid overwhelming the user.
CrazyEggz commented 3 months ago

Colour palette V.1 for discussion

Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 12 18 35
craigallendev commented 3 months ago

Home page with logo in top left nav bar top right with links to pages this is the same for all pages. I would have a simple image below and text explaining prevent and a call out to learn more which takes you to the about page footer below with socials same on all pages

About page explains prevent in detail with different sections explaining prevent. It has tips in a list with dos and dont's.

Support page at the top provides resources and links too other organisations that can help.

Real stories page has videos or image with the persons story below the image or video.

orechelsea commented 3 months ago

So three pages with nav bar to navigate/toggle bar for mobile: Home page (should contain the main goal of the website, how to prevent and why, preferably a catchy phrase and logo, comment section) Spotting signs (how people from different groups can spot signs of radicalisation) Peer groups/community page (space for people to interact and feel safe and ask questions from other people)

CrazyEggz commented 3 months ago

Nav bar with logo and name on the left and three tags linking to three pages (About, Real Stories, Share a Concern) on the right. (Note: About is technically a section on the Homepage. The About tag can have dropdown menus which direct user to the right sub-sections in the About section)

Homepage contains a hero image and an About section explaining basic information of Prevent, including:

Real Stories

Read about people's personal stories and how Prevent helped them

Share a Concern

Different ways with links or contact details that people can report suspicious activities or seek advices when they have any concerns.

craigallendev commented 3 months ago

I think yours sounds great Dan the spotting signs from yours Chelsea could go into the about on the main page and the community page would be in share a concern/support, I agree the nav bar should toggle for mobile. I don”t think we could do a comment section because that would need a database wouldn’t it? Keith do you want to add the logo tagline you made so we can see it?

orechelsea commented 3 months ago

Yh that sounds great.

orechelsea commented 3 months ago

orechelsea commented 3 months ago

That's my little mock-up

CrazyEggz commented 3 months ago

Here is a PDF version of my wireframe for mobiles. Prevent-awareness wireframe for mobiles.pdf

CrazyEggz commented 3 months ago

Found this shied logo in png format online. Not sure if it's any useful. Prevent-Logo-Grey_0

orechelsea commented 3 months ago

I like it but it needs more colour from our colour palette.

craigallendev commented 3 months ago

Finished our research