craigallendev / prevent-awareness

Prevent awareness website
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CI logo


prevent logo 2

Welcome To The Prevent Awareness Programme!!!,

This is an initiative set up to empower the community and vulnerable people from extremist views, radicalisation, the psychological and social impascts of those views and ensure proper safeguarding online.


Prevent Awareness Programme aims to create a website that serves as a central resource of raising awareness about radicalisation and extremist views that enables individuals to safeguard themselves online. It will provide accurate information and resources to empower individuals and communities to identify the signs of radicalisation and safeguard themselves from its influence.

This website targets a broad audience including families and communities, educators, youth workers, policymakers, and vulnerable people. By providing these resources, the website aims to provide protection, early intervention, support network, and education and awareness.


Navigation Bar

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We have a fully functional nav bar that includes the logo, Home page, Support page, and Stories page. This section will allow the users to experience the website with fully functional nav bars that allows easy access to the information.

The Landing Page Image


A photo that introduces the Prevent Awareness Programme to the users to catch their attention.

The Home Page

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The home page will introduce what the programme is about, the definition of radicalisation, what the objectives of the programme is, and what the psychological impacts on individuals are.

The Stories Page

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This page will contain real life stories that users can watch, relate to, and learn life lessons from.

This section will have collapsible hovering boxes that opens up readable messages to the video that is included in the section.

The Support Page

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This page will contain external support that users can use to help themselves or other vulnerable individuals.

This page will also contain a place for users to share concerns, and a contact detail to call when needed.

This page will have modal feature for users to get help.


This site is presented as user focused, providing the information needed in a simple way with minimal design. This is to make sure the viewers' attention is on the information rather than being distracted.

Users Stories

As a user of the website, I want to find the website easy to navigate.

As a user of the website, I want to know the purpose and objectives of the website at first glance.

As a user of the website, I want to read about some examples and real-life stories so that I can have a better understanding about how Prevent helps vulnerable people.

As a user of the website, I want to find useful resources that helps the situation.

Testing Section

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This project prioritises thorough testing to ensure functionality, user friendly and accessible webstie.

Use of dev tools to make the styling responsive on all devices using developer tools. This ensures a responsive layout.

Reporting issues that affects codes to each other, hop on calls and share screens to fix the codes.

Use diff checker, css jigsaw validator, and W3C validator to fix problems in code.


Pushed the most recent page to main on Github

Go to settings in our repository

Went to pages Click deploy from branch select main branch and click the save button application is now deployed


Media Citation

The images was gotten from a website called Meduim.

Content Citation

We used font awesome for the icons.