craigmulligan / nawr

Serverless SQL databases on demand
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nextjs rds-aurora serverless serverless-sql-databases


Serverless RDS dbs on demand.

I wanted an easy way to spin up a sql database for every one of my vercel deploys. I found that amazons RDS offers a serverless mode, which means you are only charged for the time that the database is "active".

So I've built nawr a tool that simplifies the management and use of serverless sql databases.

It pairs nicely with platforms like vercel and frameworks like next.js but it should work in most situations where you need an SQL db on demand.



npm install nawr

System requirements

You'll need both docker and docker-compose installed on your system for the local-dev workflow.


This illustrates how to use nawr with next.js & vercel.

You can follow the diff'd example below or just clone the example:

First, update your package.json scripts to run nawr during your build step.

// package.json
- "dev": "next dev",
+ "dev": "nawr init --local && nawr migrate up && next dev",
- "build": "next build",
+ "build": "nawr init --id $DB_ID --stage=$DB_STAGE && nawr migrate up && next build",

Add a migration to setup up you database, any files in your migration folder will be run on nawr migrate.

// migrations/00_init.js
module.exports = {
  async up(client) {
        `create table if not exists users (
      name text primary key,
      date timestamptz not null default now()
      .query(`INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES(:name)`, [
        [{ name: 'Marcia' }],
        [{ name: 'Peter' }],
        [{ name: 'Jan' }],
        [{ name: 'Cindy' }],
        [{ name: 'Bobby' }]
  async down(client) {
    client.query(`drop table if exists users`)

Add a Home page which queries your database:

// pages/index.js
import client from 'nawr/client'

const Home = ({ users }) => (
  <div className="container">
      <h1>Nawr Demo</h1>
        {{ name }) => {
          return <li key={name}>{name}</li>

export const getServerSideProps = async () => {
  const { records } = await client.query('select * from users;')

  return {
    props: {
      users: records

export default Home

Now run the dev server

npm run dev


NOTE: NB: When nawr hits the quota for maximum RDS instances (40). It will delete the oldest one to make room for more. If you have RDS databases that aren't managed by nawr should you enable deletion protection for all of them.

Required Environment Variables

Before deploying set the following environment variables in you're vercel project settings dashboard:

You can use your root AWS user keys but It's best practice to create a new AWS IAM credentials it'll need the following policies:

| Environment Variable | Required | description |
| -------------------- | -------- | ----------- |
| NAWR_AWS_KEY_ID      | true     | aws credentials key |
| NAWR_AWS_SECRET      | true     | aws credentials secret |


Recommended environment configuration:

For instance if your build command is:

nawr init --id $DB_ID --stage $DB_STAGE && nawr migrate up && next build

Then in on your preview CI deploy you should have the following envars set.

export DB_STAGE=preview

For production you should always name you db so you use the same db instead of creating a new one for every deploy.

export DB_ID=myproject-production-db
export DB_STAGE=production

NOTE: You can always start with stage=preview for your production database while testing and then switch it to production when you are ready.



nawr init

initialize sql db

--loglevel, -l set log-level [default: "info"]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
--engine, -e set storage engine
[choices: "postgresql", "mysql"][default: "postgresql"]
--id set database id [string]
--stage which stage to provision the database for
[choices: "development", "preview", "production"][default: "development"]


nawr migrate <command>

run migration tasks

nawr migrate history View migration history
nawr migrate pending View pending migrations
nawr migrate up migrate up
nawr migrate down migrate down

--loglevel, -l set log-level [default: "info"]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]