craigtrim / slackbot-helper

Helper Functions for Slackbots
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Slackbot Helper (slackbot-helper)

Contains Utility Functions to help deal with Slack Events and I/O

Slack Events structures are highly variable and deeply nested.

This algorithm performs consistent extraction of the core key:value pairs.


Assume this incoming event:

d_incoming = {
    "blocks": [
            "block_id": "vz+U",
            "elements": [
                    "elements": [
                            "type": "user",
                            "user_id": "U045HCSMG8K"
                            "text": " dead ahead!",
                            "type": "text"
                    "type": "rich_text_section"
            "type": "rich_text"
    "channel": "C046DB9TLEL",
    "text": "<@U045HCSMG8K> dead ahead!",
    "ts": 1665195085.499959,
    "type": "app_mention",
    "user": "U04674UNRBJ"

Import the normalize_event function:

from slackbot_helper import normalize_event

d_normalized = normalize_event(

The bot_ids parameter is a list of all known bot_ids in your application.

The output of this function is:

    "membership": "85e8d1eb_46c2_11ed_97a0_4c1d96716627",
    "analysis": {
        "commands": [],
        "meta_mode": "human2bot",
        "meta_type": "H2B_SINGLE",
        "text_1": "@U045HCSMG8K dead ahead!",
        "text_2": "dead ahead!",
        "user_all": ["U045HCSMG8K"],
        "user_source": "U04674UNRBJ",
        "user_target": "U045HCSMG8K"
    "event": {
        "blocks": [
                "block_id": "vz+U",
                "elements": [
                        "elements": [
                                "type": "user",
                                "user_id": "U045HCSMG8K"
                                "text": " dead ahead!",
                                "type": "text"
                        "type": "rich_text_section"
                "type": "rich_text"
        "channel": "C046DB9TLEL",
        "text": "<@U045HCSMG8K> dead ahead!",
        "ts": 1665195085.499959,
        "type": "app_mention",
        "user": "U04674UNRBJ"

The analysis structure within the output contains the following fields of interest:

  1. commands: Any Commands extracted from the text
  2. meta_mode: The Mode of communication (human2bot, human2human, bot2human, bot2bot)
  3. meta_type: The Type of communication (H2B_SINGLE means Human is addressing a Single bot)
  4. text_1: The original text
  5. text_2: The normalized text
  6. user_all: All the user IDs addressed in the text
  7. source_user: The Source User (responsible for sending the event)
  8. target_user: The Target User (primary user responsible for receiving the event)