crawles / automl_service

Deploy AutoML as a service using Flask
MIT License
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AutoML Service

Deploy automated machine learning (AutoML) as a service using Flask, for both pipeline training and pipeline serving.

The framework implements a fully automated time series classification pipeline, automating both feature engineering and model selection and optimization using Python libraries, TPOT and tsfresh.

Check out the blog post for more info.



The application exposes both model training and model predictions with a RESTful API. For model training, input data and labels are sent via POST request, a pipeline is trained, and model predictions are accessible via a prediction route.

Pipelines are stored to a unique key, and thus, live predictions can be made on the same data using different feature construction and modeling pipelines.

An automated pipeline for time-series classification.

The model training logic is exposed as a REST endpoint. Raw, labeled training data is uploaded via a POST request and an optimal model is developed.

Raw training data is uploaded via a POST request and a model prediction is returned.

Using the app

View the Jupyter Notebook for an example.


# deploy locally
# deploy on cloud foundry
cf push


Train a pipeline:

train_url = ''
train_files = {'raw_data': open('data/data_train.json', 'rb'),
               'labels'  : open('data/label_train.json', 'rb'),
               'params'  : open('parameters/train_parameters_model2.yml', 'rb')}

# post request to train pipeline
r_train =, files=train_files)
result_df = json.loads(r_train.json())


{'featureEngParams': {'default_fc_parameters': "['median', 'minimum', 'standard_deviation', 
                                                 'sum_values', 'variance', 'maximum', 
                                                 'length', 'mean']",
                      'impute_function': 'impute',
 'mean_cv_accuracy': 0.865,
 'mean_cv_roc_auc': 0.932,
 'modelId': 1,
 'modelType': "Pipeline(steps=[('stackingestimator', StackingEstimator(estimator=LinearSVC(...))),
                               ('logisticregression', LogisticRegressionClassifier(solver='liblinear',...))])"
 'trainShape': [1647, 8],
 'trainTime': 1.953}

Serve pipeline predictions:

serve_url = ''
test_files = {'raw_data': open('data/data_test.json', 'rb'),
              'params' : open('parameters/test_parameters_model2.yml', 'rb')}

# post request to serve predictions from trained pipeline
r_test  =, files=test_files)
result = pd.read_json(r_test.json()).set_index('id')
example_id prediction
1 0.853
2 0.991
3 0.060
4 0.995
5 0.003
... ...

View all trained models:

r = requests.get('')
pipelines = json.loads(r.json())
    {'mean_cv_accuracy': 0.873,
     'modelType': "RandomForestClassifier(...),
    {'mean_cv_accuracy': 0.895,
     'modelType': "GradientBoostingClassifier(...),
    {'mean_cv_accuracy': 0.859,
     'modelType': "LogisticRegressionClassifier(...),

Running the tests

Supply a user argument for the host.

# use local app
py.test --host
# use cloud-deployed app
py.test --host http://ROUTE-HERE

Scaling the architecture

For production, I would suggest splitting training and serving into seperate applications, and incorporating a fascade API. Also it would be best to use a shared cache such as Redis or Pivotal Cloud Cache to allow other applications and multiple instances of the pipeline to access the trained model. Here is a potential architecture.

A scalable model training and model serving architecture.


Chris Rawles