crazycooky77 / ci_project4

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Online Lego Collection

This site is made for avid Lego collectors! You can keep track of your sets, their status, and where they are (like your attic, or spare room). You can Favourite sets, or add sets you don't own yet to build out a wish list. While sharing features are not yet implemented on this page, they will be soon, and you can then share your entire collection, and your wish list, with friends and family (or even strangers if you like)! Your Online Lego Collection also has a field to keep track of missing pieces in your sets, when needed, and you can sort and filter your collection to be able to easily access that information and more. This is your one-stop-shop to keep track of all your sets and what's happening with them.

Am I Responsive Image
  1. User Experience
    1. User Stores
      1. Visitor Goals
        1. First-Time Visitor Goals
        2. Returning Visitor Goals
        3. Frequent Visitor Goals
    2. Design
      1. Colour Palette
      2. Typography
      3. Imagery
    3. Site Planning
      1. Lucidchart
      2. Wireframes
  2. Features
    1. To Be Implemented
    2. Closed Enhancements
  3. Technologies
  4. Testing
    1. Manual Testing
    2. Automated Testing
    3. Validator Testing
      1. WAVE
      2. Lighthouse
      3. PEP8
    4. Bugs
  5. Deployment
    1. Heroku
    2. Droplet
  6. Credits

User Experience

Visitor Goals

First-Time Visitor Goals

*Once Sharing features are enabled

Returning Visitor Goals

Frequent Visitor Goals

User Stories

All implemented, detailed EPICs and related user stories are available in project Issues.


Colour Palette

Colourmind image


2 different Google Fonts were used for the page title and website text. They are the same font in different styles for improved design.


AI-generated images were used throughout. Stable Diffusion and ComfyUI were used with the Dreamshaper 8 model.

Site Planning


Lucidchart was used to plan out the database models. An additional "Build Status" was later added ("Extra").

Lucidchart image


Wireframes were used to plan out the pages for the site. Minor styling adjustments were made, based on user feedback, such as putting the nav bar above the site header.


Logged in:

Homepage wireframe (logged in)

Logged out:

Homepage wireframe (logged out)


Main page with collection - slight adjustments to buttons were made for better styling and added pagination:

Collection wireframe

Main page without collections:

Collection page without collections wireframe

Add Sets - this page was split into 2 in the end. 1 page for the "Global Set Details" ("Create Set" in the final page version), and 1 page for the "Personal Set Details" ("Add Set"):

Add/Create set wireframe

Additionally, a new view was added but not planned in wireframes for existing collections without any sets. No sort/filter buttons are shown, but instead a message advising the user to add or create a set.


Logged in:

Profile logged in wireframe

Logged out:

Profile logged out wireframe


Sharing features are not yet implemented. However wireframes were created to plan out the features.

Logged in with selected collection:

Shared logged in wireframe

Logged in without a selected collection (dropdown list for all collections the user was given access to):

Shared logged in without selected collection wireframe

Logged out (public collection link):

Shared logged out wireframe


All features have been planned and outlined in the Kanban board for the project using Issues. The implemented features are available here.

To Be Implemented

Features not yet implemented are available in the project's Kanban board in the To Do and In Progress columns, as well as these EPICs.

Closed Enhancements

Closed enhancements can be found here. If an enhancement is labelled as "wont-have", it was not and will not be implemented.



Manual Testing

All manual testing in the below table was done using Microsoft Edge, Chrome, and Safari browsers, on MacOS, Windows 11, AndroidOS, and iOS.

Function Expectation MacOS Safari iOS Safari iPadOS Chrome Windows 11 Edge AndroidOS Chrome
Homepage view (logged out) When viewing the homepage while logged out, the user should be asked to log in or create an account
Collections view (logged out) When viewing the collections page while logged out, the user should be asked to log in or create an account
Create Collection (logged out) When logged out, the Create Collection page will show a message asking the user to sign up or log in.
Edit Collection (logged out) When logged out, the Edit Collection page will show a message asking the user to sign up or log in.
Create New Set (logged out) When logged out, the Create Set page will show a message asking the user to sign up or log in.
Add Set (logged out) When logged out, the Add Set page will show a message asking the user to sign up or log in.
Profile view (logged out) When viewing the profile page while logged out, the user should be asked to log in or create an account
Shared view (logged out) When viewing the Shared page while logged out, a message should be displayed advising that the sharing features are coming soon
Create Account (logged out) The Create Account page, when logged out, should display sign-in and forgot password links, as well as the required fields for creating an account and the Signup button.

When entering information that doesn't cause errors, the account should be created in the database, and the user should automatically be logged in and redirected to their Collections page
Create Account Errors When creating an account, if the user enters a username or email address that is already in the database, or a password that doesn't meet the minimum requirements, an error message should be displayed
Forgot Login/Password (logged out) Reset password links should redirect to the password reset page and allow the user to send a forgot password email to their email address
Password Reset Email When the user clicks the link in the email to reset their password, they should be directed to a page to change it.

If the password meets the minimum requirements, the password should be successfully changed for the account, the user automatically logged in, and redirected to their Collections page
Password Reset Email Errors When the user clicks the link in the email to reset their password, they should be directed to a page to change it.

If the password they enter does not meet the minimum requirements,they should receive an error.

If the user uses a password reset link that is invalid (expired/already used), they should also receive an error and be directed to request a new reset email
Log In (logged out) When a user logs into their account with the correct credentials, they should be redirected to their Collections page.
Log In Errors If using incorrect credentials when trying to log in, error messages should be displayed accordingly
Create Account (logged in) The Create Account page should automatically redirect to the Collections page if a user tries to access it while logged in
Forgot Login/Password (logged in) The reset password page should provide a message informing the user they are already logged in, and referring to change password and profile pages
Homepage view (logged in) A message should be displayed to the user, referring them to their Collections link
Collections view (logged in, no collection) A button to Create Collection should be shown to the user
Collections view (logged in, no sets) Buttons should be shown to the user to allow them to Add Set, Create New Set, Edit Collection, or Delete Collection
Collections view (logged in, with sets) Buttons should be available for the user to sort, reverse sort and filter their collection, as well as Add Set, Create New Set, Edit Collection, or Delete Collection.

Users can, of course, also view all the information for their sets on this page (image, number, name, pieces, build status, set location, missing pieces, favourite status)
Create Collection (with custom picture) Users can create a collection and upload their own picture when doing so, which will then show on the Collections page
Create Collection (without picture) Users can create a collection without uploading a custom picture, and their collection name will then show on the Collections page with the default collection picture
Create Collection Errors If a user tries to create a collection without a name, they will receive a message that it is required
Create New Set (without picture) Users can create a new set, which will add it to the database with a set number and name, and optionally set picture, number of pieces (in the set) and link to the Lego site. When not adding a picture, a default set image will be added.
Create New Set (with custom picture) Users can create a new set, which will add it to the database with a set number and name, and optionally set picture, number of pieces (in the set) and link to the Lego site. When creating a set with an uploaded picture, that picture will be available for that set in the database.
Create New Set Errors If a user tries to create a set using a set number already in the database, they will receive an error. They will also receive an error if no set number and name are provided
Add Set (logged in) Users can search for sets in the database, add a build status (required), as well as (optional) set location, favourited status, and missing pieces, and add it to their collection
Add Set Errors If a Build Status is not provided and the user tries to save the set to their collection, they will receive an error message
Sorting Sorting options should be available for Set Number, Set Name, # Pieces, Build Status, Set Location, Missing Pieces, and Favourite.

Clicking the applicable option will sort the sets in the list accordingly.

Clicking "Reverse Sort" will reverse the set list, and "Reset Sort" will reload the page without special sorting
Filtering Filtering options should be available for # Pieces, Build Status, Set Location, Missing Pieces, and Favourite.

Clicking the applicable option will enable the Filter Details to be selected, and the sets to be filtered accordingly.

Clicking "Reset Filter" will reload the page without special filtering
Column Selection (small screens only) On small screens (typically phones), only 4 columns can be shown at a time. An extra dropdown should be shown for users to change which columns they are viewing, from the default.

When users remove and add columns using the checkboxes in this dropdown, the visible columns should be updated accordingly in the table
Edit Collection (logged in) Users can change their collection name and picture, and their set details (build status, set location, missing pieces, favourite status).

They can also delete sets in bulk from their collection and have buttons available to Save or Discard the changes made.

Save Changes will update all the relevant data in the database.

Discard Changes will redirect the user back to Collections. Add/Create New Set buttons are available on this page as well
Edit Collection Errors If the user tries to Save Changes while the collection name or any set build status is empty, they will receive an error
Delete Collection Users can delete their collection using the button on their Collections page. Once they confirm in the pop-up that they want to proceed, the collection is deleted from the database
Profile view (logged in) The user should be able to see their profile details (username, email, privacy, set details), change their profile (username, email, privacy, password), and delete their account
Change Username When entering a new username on the Profile page and pressing the Save button, the user's username should be updated in the database, if it is not yet taken
Change Username Errors When entering a new username on the Profile page and pressing the Save button, the user should receive an error message if the username already exists in the database
Change Email When entering a new email address on the Profile page and pressing the Save button, the user's email should be added to their account in the database, if it is not yet used in another account
Change Email Errors When entering an email address that is already associated with an account, and pressing the Save button, the user should receive an error message to that effect
Update account Privacy Users can choose a different Privacy setting for their account in their Profile, and when they Save it, it should update in the database
Change Password Users can change their password by entering their current password, and a new password twice, that meets the minimum requirements.

An error will appear if the new password does not meet those requirements, or the current password is incorrect
Manage Emails Users can re-send verification emails and remove addresses from their account, when applicable, as well as add email addresses
Email Verification/Removal When clicking a valid verification link for an email, the user should be directed to the Profile page, and the email should be confirmed. Other addresses in the account should be automatically removed.

When removing emails, an error should appear if the user attempts to remove the verified or only email in the account.
Email Verification/Removal Errors If clicking an invalid/expired email verification link, they should receive an error to that effect and be advised to request a new one.

If the user tries to remove a second unverified email, that should be removed.
Delete Account On the Profile page, users can delete their account by checking the box, clicking the Delete Account button, and confirming deletion in the pop-up menu. After doing so, the account is deleted from the database and a confirmation is shown to the user
Delete Account Errors If the user tries to delete their account without ticking the required checkbox, they will receive an error
Shared view (logged in) When viewing the Shared page while logged in, a message should be displayed advising that the sharing features are coming soon
Log In (logged in) When a user accesses the login page while already logged in, they should be automatically redirected to their Collections page.
Log Out When a user logs out, they are logged out and redirected to the homepage

Automated Testing

117 automated tests were created to ensure forms and views perform as intended. These tests provide 99% coverage for the project and all tests pass.

Coverage test run Coverage report

Validator Testing


All pages were put through the W3 HTML Validator and all issues identified were resolved. One issue (Error: A select element with a required attribute, and without a multiple attribute, and without a size attribute whose value is greater than 1, must have a child option element.) was related to django-select2 and resolved by adding a size attribute greater than 1 to the widget in the form.

W3 Validator Results


CSS code was put through W3C and no errors are found.

W3C Validator Results


JSHint was used to validate the JavaScript used. There are no legitimate errors found.

JSHint Validator Results


Some spacing issues (lines too long) were identified by PEP8, but these were all resolved except for, where one of the Django password validator names is too long.

PEP8 Validator Results


All pages were checked with WAVE. There are Alerts on some pages, however nothing unexpected. All errors were resolved.

Wave Validator Results


Lighthouse was run on all pages for the site and issues identified were resolved, where possible.

Cumulative Layout Shifts caused a lower score in Performance for the pages listed below. This was deemed acceptable, to enable better responsiveness and dynamic resizing.


Lighthouse scores for Hhomepage

Collections page without collections

Lighthouse scores for Collection page without Collection

Create Collection

Lighthouse scores for Create Collection page

Collections page with collection but no sets

Lighthouse scores for Collection page without Sets

Create Set

Lighthouse scores for Create Set page

Add Set

Lighthouse scores for Add Set page

Collections page with sets

Lighthouse scores for Collection page with Sets

Edit Collection

Lighthouse scores for Edit Collection page

Profile page

Lighthouse scores for Profile page

Change password

Lighthouse scores for Change Password page

Change email

Lighthouse scores for Change Email page

Shared page

Lighthouse scores for Shared page

Create account

Lighthouse scores for Create Account page

Forgot Login/Password

Lighthouse scores for Forgot Login/Password page

Login page

Lighthouse scores for Login page

Logged Out Views

Lighthouse scores for logged out pages


Known bugs are all listed in these project's Issues with the label "bug".

Fixed bugs can also be found in the project's Issues here.


The site was deployed on both Heroku and using a Digital Ocean Droplet. This was to keep the site live after the project submission, and due to networking issues caused by Heroku (see this bug for additional details).


For Heroku, the following steps were used for deployment:

  1. Cloned the basic repository from Code Institute
    1. Code > Open with GitHub Desktop
  2. Created new repository in own GitHub for the cloned repository
  3. Created new app on Heroku
    1. New > Create new app
    2. Provide app name and select region > Create app
  4. Linked Heroku to cloned GitHub repository
    1. Click GitHub in the Deployment method section
    2. Log into GitHub, provide access to Heroku, and type in the repository name
    3. Search
    4. Connect
  5. Enabled automatic deploys
    1. Tick the box for Automatic deploys in the corresponding section
  6. Added python buildpack in the Settings > Buildpacks section
  7. Added necessary Config Vars


To deploy the project using a Digital Ocean Droplet, these steps were followed:

  1. In your in GitHub for ALLOWED_HOSTS and CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS:
    1. Ensure "localhost" and "https\://localhost" are added
    2. Add environment variables for your DROPLET_IP and your public domain name (if applicable)
  2. Create Droplet in Digital Ocean project
    1. Select the nearest Datacenter and preferred OS
    2. Leave Droplet Type as Basic (Shared CPU)
    3. Select Regular > $4/mo CPU options (choose a more expensive plan if desired)
    4. Select the Authentication Method
    5. Enter the name for your Droplet (or use the default one provided)
    6. Create Droplet
    7. Click "Enable now" for Reserved IP within the Droplet
    8. Click "Assign Reserved IP"
      1. If you have a public domain name you want to use, ensure you add your reserved Droplet IP to your URL forwarding
    9. Within Networking > Firewalls, "Create Firewall"
      1. Enter a name for your firewall
      2. New rule under SSH
        1. HTTP
      3. New rule under SSH
        1. HTTPS
      4. Search for your Droplet name under Apply to Droplets
      5. "Create Firewall"
  3. Open the Droplet Console and clone your GitHub repository with the Django project
    1. In the GitHub repository, click Code and copy the HTTPS link
    2. In the Droplet console: git clone <HTTPS_LINK>
  4. Update and install the necessary packages via the console
    1. sudo apt-get update
    2. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    3. sudo reboot
    4. apt install python3-pip python3.11-venv nginx (replace with your python version as needed)
    5. sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
    6. sudo snap install --classic certbot
    8. If you have/need a .env file, you can copy it via your local machine's console using:
      2. Remember to add your environment variables for your Droplet IP and public domain name (if applicable)
    9. python3 -m venv .venv
    10. source .venv/bin/activate
    11. python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    12. deactivate
  5. Some files on the Droplet now need to be edited, and services enabled and started, so that your site will constantly run without having to manually runserver

    1. In your Droplet's console: vi /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.socket
    2. i (for "insert")
    3. Paste:
      Description=gunicorn socket

    [Socket] ListenStream=/run/gunicorn.sock


    4. Press the Escape key
    5. Type: ```:wq``` and press Enter ("write quit")
    6. ```vi /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.service```
    7. ```i```
    8. Paste:

    [Unit] Description=gunicorn daemon Requires=gunicorn.socket

    [Service] User=root Group=www-data WorkingDirectory=/root/ EnvironmentFile=/root//.env ExecStart=/root//.venv/bin/gunicorn \ --access-logfile - \ --workers 1 \ --timeout 120 \ --bind unix:/run/gunicorn.sock \

    .wsgi:application [Install] ``` 9. Escape key 10. ```:wq``` and Enter 11. ```vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/``` 12. ```i``` 13. Paste: ``` server { listen 80; server_name ; location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; } location // { root /root/>; } location / { include proxy_params; proxy_pass http://unix:/run/gunicorn.sock; } } ``` 14. Escape key 15. ```:wq``` and Enter 16. ```systemctl enable gunicorn.socket``` 17. ```systemctl enable gunicorn.service``` 18. ```systemctl start gunicorn.service``` 19. ```systemctl start gunicorn.socket``` 20. ```vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf``` 21. Use your arrow key to move your text cursor to the empty line above "sendfile on;" 22. ```o``` 23. ```client_max_body_size 10M;``` (change 10M to a larger number if you want to allow larger file sizes) 24. Escape key 25. ```:wq``` and Enter 26. ```sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled``` 27. ```nginx -t``` 1. You want to see a "test is successful" here to ensure the previous steps were correctly followed and without typos
  6. Adjust settings as below to enable encryption on your webpage via letsencrypt. This only works if you own the domain yourself and it's automatically renewed every 90 days.
    1. sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
    2. certbot --nginx -d <YOUR_PUBLIC_DOMAIN_NAME>
      1. Enter an email address, as required by the console
      2. Y to agree to terms of service
      3. N to decline sharing your email address
    3. sudo systemctl restart nginx
  7. After making changes in GitHub, you will need to git pull in the Droplet console and systemctl restart gunicorn.service


The base template was cloned from the Code Institute GitHub repository. Various other resources were used for different features. They are all listed below, categorised accordingly.

Special thanks to my husband who helped with troubleshooting and figuring out the Droplet setup, and my mentor for her various resources and constant reminders to document everything. Also thank you to Tutor Support for helping with my complicated questions, even if the topic was out-of-scope.

CustomUser Documentation


Custom Form Messages

Account Management

Collection Sort, Filter, Edit

Collection Mobile View

Droplet Setup